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Bill came into camp with a chuffed smile on his face and immediately ran to Dutch's tent where Micah was also sat.

"Boss! Boss! You ain't never going to believe this but I think we finally got the Gray family wrapped around our finger! I saw some of the boys near Radley's House and they were talking about using us as guards. I told them we could do it. The meeting is later at the Saloon in Rhodes! Who should we take?" Annabelle and Sean were just walking giggling like kids with candy about Arthur.

"Sean! Annabelle! Oh, and you too Micah!" Dutch calls out, the three looked over and started walking.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, " Annabelle sighs as she leans against one of Dutch's beams of the tent. Sean nods towards her with a cheeky smile as usual. Micah as usual grimaces and looks away with a sigh. Dutch tips his hat and lifts his cigar back up to his lips.

"Bill thinks he has got a lead and I want you three to go along with Bill to make sure nothing happens. You're the best three people we've got, Arthur just needs some rest at this moment. Don't tell him I said that, " Dutch chuckles before walking away over to Molly who was having a full-on rage at him with watery eyes and a redraw face.

Annabelle sighs and walks to her shared tent with Javier. Her hand softly lays on her tummy as she thinks about where she's going. What if it goes badly? What if we can't make it out alive? What if she doesn't return? What will Javier do?

A lump forms in her throat and her stomach churns at the thoughts a rush of cold runs through her veins and her tongue starts to stick to the roof of her mouth as it dries up with anxiety.

"Hola, " her head snapped towards the Mexican who had a rifle hanging from his shoulder.

"I've just finished guard duty, I was going to freshen up and we can take a walk in Rhodes?" Javier asks, Annabelle felt like her heart had dropped. She looked back up at Javier with a small smile.

"I'm sorry, I already made plans. Maybe tomorrow?" Javier's face falters slightly but it quickly changes back to normal as he nods with a small smile before walking away with his guitar in his hands.

Annabelle hated lying to him but what has to be done will be done. It's just a meet up, Right?

"Hey! Hey! Oh, what got you in the blues?" Sean asks from behind her and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I feel bad, I-me and Javier haven't had time alone in days, " Annabelle slumped slightly and started walking towards Ennis and sitting side-saddle on the rump.

Sean sighed rather heavily making Annabelle raise a brow. He brushes her off before climbing on.

"Something feels odd, " Sean spoke up as they rode out of camp.

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't know. But something doesn't add up. Or either I've had too many booze," he chuckles half heartedly.


"You-you're looking real nice today, Bill," Micah drawls sarcasm from his lips before chuckling to himself.

"Shut up!" Bill spits back, Sean hitches Ennis to the post and climbs down and lends out a hand for Annabelle.

"we been waiting for waiting for you two! Come on, let's get going" he gestures the them all to follow suite.

"What's the plan?" Annabelle asks turning her head to the side. Something odd was in the air and maybe Sean was right.

"We're meeting a couple of the Grays over at the saloon. They spoke to Bill about a job...needing security," Micah stuffed his hands in the pocket of jeans as he turned back around and walked towards the saloon. Where were all the locals? It seemed too quiet. Place is normally buzzing with noise.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now