Seventeen-Beaver Hollow

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At Lakay more of gang members had turned up and one then ended up bringing the law with them, Annabelle's guess was either Bill or Micah. So after Sadie, Arthur and Bill got rid of the Pinkerton's so they had set out to locate somewhere new. Arthur and Charles headed out to scout and area up in Murfree Brood Country up in Roanoke Ridge. Apparently law avoid going towards that area so being up this part of the country is great.

After settling in their new home at a cave, at Beaver Hollow it wasn't long until Uncle strolled in with Miss Molly O'Shea. He shouted out that he had bumped into her in Saint Denis in a bar.

"So, Dutch...Did you miss me?" Molly stumbled up Dutch and everyone gathered round at her shouts and her drunkenness.

"You're back how jolly, Miss O'Shea," Dutch replied sarcastically, Annabelle crossed her arms as she watched the scene unfold, Javier by her side. Molly stumbled up to him, but Dutch was much more quicker to move.

"It's Molly, you sack of shit!"

"Back and drunk..."Dutch tried to carry on but she stopped him with m ore slurred words.

"Who made you the Lord God Almighty?"

"Molly, calm down," Dutch finally said in a calm voice as he tried to step forward but she already moved away and turned away from him.

"I won't be ignored, Dutch Van Der Linde..." she paused before pointing at Bill "I aren't him...I ain't her! Or any of you stooges,"

"Calm yourself, Miss," Dutch tried again but failed once more.

"You don't owe me nothing...I don't owe you nothing! Nothing!" she scream and pointed him, now she had everyone's attention. Dutch replied with an 'okay'

"I'll spit in your eye. I did. I told them!" Molly screamed, Annabelle frowned and stepped closer, her hand on her holster as rage filled her body coursed through her veins. Molly being the reason that Hosea and Lenny died, them getting captured and stranded on a Island in a middle of a war.

"I'm sorry?" Dutch's once calm voice now angered too as he stared at his no longer lover.

"Yeah, I told 'em and I'd tell them again. Now I've got God's ear." Molly walked up to Dutch and this time he didn't back away in surrender, instead he glared down at her his chest heaving up and down.

"You told who what?"

"Mr. Milton and Mr. Ross... about the bank robbery...and I wanted them to kill you!" she screamed at him with tears in her eyes.

"You did what?" Now this time, it was Dutch's turn to shout as he pointed his pistol at her.

"I loved you, you Goddamn Bastard! Go on, shoot me!" she sobbed and Arthur mumbled something Dutch's ear to try and calm him down.

"You told on me? You betrayed me?"

"Oh, you're not so big now, are you?"

"Quiet!" It was Arthur's turn to shout as he tried to calm them both down. "Just calm down," Calm down? Annabelle thought, no way, Javier got hurt she betrayed everyone. That was the rule, you betray you die. She remembers it clearly when she first joined back in 1889 at the age of eighteen.

"Oh, not so big now are we, your majesty?" Just as Dutch went to say something, blood sprayed everywhere and there was gaping hole through Molly. She stumbled back and then fell onto the grass in front of Annabelle's feet.

"She knew the rules, Arthur. What the hell is wrong with you? Mr. Pearson, Mr. Williamson get this body out of here and get it burnt. Now get back to work, all of ya! Quit your lollygagging get back to work," Susan ordered before walking away with the girls as Pearson and Bill slung the corpse over Bill's shoulder.

"Mierda..."Javier mumbled as he grabbed Annabelle's hand and walked away with her by his side.

"Well she had it coming, how dare she go and betray us, getting John captured and get us all almost killed," Annabelle angrily said facing Javier, then her face softens as she thinks about Molly's words. She did love him, she cared for him a lot and always tended to him but he only pushed her away.


Annabelle was minding her own business as she sewed one of the men's clothes until Tilly and Mary-Beth sat beside her and did the same thing. Annabelle lifted her head greeted them both with a small smile and carried on sewing.

"Morning ladies," she spoke softly before lifting up Charles blue and white polka dot shirt to see if she missed any more tearing's.

"Morning Anna," They both said in unison and then giggle as they looked at each other.

"How are you feeling? What's it like being pregnant?" Tilly asked, looking up from one the trousers in her hands.

"It's weird, scary, exhausting and exciting. The fact that a life is growing inside of me is amazing, but I'm just nervous... I want them to live and grow up in a life I could not have. I get so tired so easily and backache is annoying, my feet always hurt now. But I'm looking forward to it, I can't wait to meet them. What about you guys? Do any of you want kids?" Annabelle asked.

"After you said that, no thanks." Mary-Beth giggled making the other two chuckle.

"Maybe, with the right person of course. You did well, Annabelle. A gunslinger who can play the guitar," Tilly pointed out with a smile.

"He did more than just play the guitar and sing songs to her, Tilly. She's pregnant," Annabelle's face went bright red as the other two laughed loudly, the former woman playfully hit the two girls but still had a huge smile on her face.

"How is Javier with it all?" Mary asks looking up at her curiously, but there was no fear after she saw Annabelle's face light up.

"Oh my! You should've seen him when he found out, he questioned me first but he was and still is so happy. He talks to the baby with every chance e has. Tells them that he will show them how to hunt, track, shoot a gun, speak Spanish, ride a horse and play guitar. I'm sure there will be more to come when they are born," Annabelle chuckled softly at their late night conversations when everyone else is asleep, he thinks she is a asleep but she isn't but loves to hear what he says so she keeps quiet with a small smile as she 'slept'

"aw, that's so sweet of him. You and Him will be great parents. I'm sure of it," Mary says and Tilly agree with a soft hum and nod.

"Thank you girls. You have been so nice to me for the years I have known you when you all joined and even Karen even if she has gone fully in the bottle. She has always been so nice to me,"

Annabelle's talk was interrupted by Arthur who had a worry look, yesterday he went and collected John from Siska against Dutch with Sadie.

"Of course, Arthur. Ladies," she nodded to the other two who waved at her, she held a hand out for Arthur to take and help her pull her up. She dusted herself off and thanked Arthur and then followed him down the small path downhill towards the river where no one else was around to hear.

"What's wrong, Arthur. You don't seem well," Annabelle was about to lay her hand on his forehead but he grabbed her wrist and her hand down softly.

"I-I need you to-" he started to burst coughing, quickly he covered his mouth and faced away.

"Oh, Arthur. It's okay," she rubbed her hand softly on his back as he kept coughing. Annabelle squeezed her eyes shut as she kept in her cries as she saw blood all over his hands. "Have you seen a Doctor?"

"Y-yes. I have it. I have Tuberculosis. Payback that is from beating up that debtor, Thomas Downes." His words hit her like a gunshot in the chest because it felt like her heart stopped and the tears started to fall.

"I'm so sorry Arthur...I wish I could do something," Annabelle sobbed, Arthur washed his hands in the river then stood up to face the woman.

"So am I. But I need you to get out soon. Escape with Javier. If he is loyal to what matters he will follow. Just do it for me. It would mean a lot to me to know I am saving more lives and helping them live a life I will not ever experience,"

"Okay, Arthur but it will take a lot more than that to make Javier leave," and she was right.

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