Ten-Italy in Saint Denis

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Jack...Jack Marston was missing. Annabelle rubbed soothingly on Abigail's back but she didn't tell Abigail he would be safe or ok. Why make promises you can't keep? or say things you'll never know? Abigail sat on the cot and leant against Annabelle while tears streamed down her face.

"We'll do our best to find him, Abigail..." Annabelle trailed off.

"There's no we. You are not coming with us. And I heard what you did out there," Javier walked in a frown on his face his lip was curled in disgust.

"That wasn't my problem, Javier and you know that. I didn't have a choice either run or fight. And I chose to fight to keep myself, you and our baby alive if you've forgotten. I know what I am doing." Annabelle tried to keep her voice calm and not make Abigail more distressed. "And when you're a mother you won't stop fighting for them," were her last words before she left leaving Javier and Abigail together.

"She's right y'know. You will keep fighting for them born or not," Abigail said looking up at Javier who only took a short glance at her before turning around looking outside watching them all stand around Dutch's tent.

"They took him didn't they?"


"Kieran said he heard some of the Braithwaite's boys,"

And they all left apart from Annabelle. Javier only glared at her and didn't say a word. In the pit of her stomach something wasn't right and she was going to follow. Whatever it takes.

She stayed back as they stopped at the entrance of the Manor and spoke to John before walking on the property.

"Get down here now, you inbred trash!" Annabelle stifled a laugh, she shook her head before spurring Ennis into a trot to the side of the manor as the Braithwaite's and Van-Der-Linde were more interested in each other.

She waited on the side but not for long as more men rode in with sticks of fire and shot at Arthur and John above and the rest down below.

It all became too much as some came from the side from the crops. Ennis threw his head back and reversing back. Annabelle leant down and whispered something so quiet that only Ennis could hear. All of the sudden Ennis stopped moving his ears perked up. Ennis watched the gang members fight but Javier caught his eye. Pinned against the wall and was getting beaten to death a knife jabbed into his hip. Ennis didn't think but only ran towards them, Annabelle shot at the remaining survivors before leaning to the other side by the wall and stretched out her arm grabbing Javier by his collar, Ennis managed to knock out the Braithwaite that tried to kill him. Ennis didn't stop running he wanted to make sure Javier survived. To protect them all.

"You goddam fool!" Annabelle hissed at him, Javier chuckled before dropping his head and leaning against her back.

"Thank you," Javier croaked. His arms wrapped around her waist his hands resting on her belly.

"I love you, mi amor," Javier mumbles into her hair making Annabelle smile as she felt his breath that tickles at the back of her neck.

Ennis came to a halt at one of the hitching post and leant down to lay on his stomach letting both of them off.

"Ms Grimshaw! I need help! It's Javier!" Annabelle called out as she held on to Javier as he put all his weight on her but not meaning to. Ms Grimshaw came over and gasped at the state he was in. Abigail came out to only see that only the two of them came back but she still ran over and helped.

"A-Abigail...Jack wasn't there," Javier choked out. Abigail sighed sadly and nodded before placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you," Abigail mumbled and helped him sit down in Annabelle and Javier's shared tent on the cot.

Annabelle sat with Javier as Susan took the knife out and cleaned the blood and stitching up his wound. They both thanked her as she walked out, Annabelle turned around after closing the canvas. Javier was laying on his back staring up at the beams and the small lamp with a flame flickering inside.

"I'm glad you came, but the fact you risked your life and the baby's for mine scares me. I can't lose you Annabelle. You keep me sane, stopping me from taking everyone's heads off. The day I met you outside the saloon my heart jumped up to my throat. I had lost all my senses. I forgot how to speak my natural language. You still make me feel like that," Javier turns his over to look at his woman who had her hand on her hip. The corner of her lip curled up into a smile, she leaned down and pressed her lips against his. His hand reached her cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear that managed to escape and kissed back with passion.

"I love you, cariño," Javier whispered in her ear when he pulled away.

"I love you more," Annabelle hummed before kissing him again, Javier moaned into her mouth and grabbed her gently by the hips and pulled her up on the cot beside him.

"Please don't hurt yourself for me, Javier," Annabelle whispered softly, her eyes flicking down to his hip. Javier lifted her chin with his index finger and smiled softly down at her.

"I will jump in front of a train for you, mi amor," Annabelle rolled her eyes playfully before pulling him down and kissed him but a bit rougher this time. Her hands trailed to his back and up his spine, goosebumps flared after her touch. Delicate fingers tangled in his hair and she tugged on his tie pulling it making his black locks fall to the sides of his face.


Annabelle's eyes flutter open as the sun seeps through the canvas. Looking up through her lashes Javier slept peacefully his bare chest slowly rising. The white sheets just covered her naked body only showing her bare shoulders. Her shoulder blade was covered in purple bruises which was similar to ones on her neck and inner thighs.

Her flutters at the memories and curls up to Javier watching his wound. Annabelle let's out a sigh before getting out of bed and changing into clothes. Her hand lays upon her belly it was slowly starting to form a bump. It's not very seeable yet. Combing through her brown hair.

Annabelle pulled back the canvas and tied them to the beams. Javier groaned at the bright sun and rolled over and then wincing when he realised he was still hurt.

"Come on, Javier it's time to get up," Annabelle sang into his ear. Javier looked up at her leaning up pressing his lips firmly onto hers.

"Yes mother," Javier sighed. Javier stood up showing all his glory. Annabelle gasped before turning around and shutting the canvas again.

"You fool!" Annabelle shouted before escaping out the tent. The barrel beside her had her hat on it and she quickly picked it up and placed it on her head.

"Get packing! We're going to Shady Bell. Jacks with Angelo Bronte," Susan rushed up to Annabelle. At least they know where the boy is but who in Sams hell is Angelo Bronte.

"Italian feller in Saint Denis," so it's Italy in Saint Denis?

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now