Seven-Doctor's Office

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Hey! Sorry for the slow update been working on a few things. This chapter was also really hard to write and I think I deleted about twenty drafts. But enjoy!

Weeks had passed and everyone was settling in nicely, word soon got around about Annabelle and Javier. Not they minded and neither did anyone else. A few playful teases and jokes here and there but nothing too major.

Dutch had the two families wrapped around his finger while Hosea played them like a fiddle.

Annabelle took Patch to a stable and found out she has been pregnant for at least four months. But they had to test her urine and it was confirmed.

So Patch was left to rest with Boaz away from the entrance and closer to the small campfire.

"Mi amor! Wanna come fishing with me?" Javier called, standing up quickly with a tied-up bag filled with crickets.

"Sure why not. Let me go and grab my fishing pole, " she kissed Javier's cheeks and ran off to their now shared tent and grabbed her pole.

Just as she turned around to walk back, her stomach churned and her whole body shivered.

"Please don't get sick Annabelle, " she mumbled to herself and walked back to Javier, giving him a smile.

She sat on the back of Boaz as they rode to the fishing spot.

"Are you alright, amor? You looked pale back there." Javier spoke up as they trotted out the campsite.

"I'm fine. It was probably a little sickness but now I'm fine, " Annabelle wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his back. "Anyways, how you feeling about everything? Been a strange couple of months, "

"Hey, you know...I can't even return to my country because the price on my head is so big. This...this is nothing exactly new to me. And I'll always be loyal to Dutch. He sees the world the same as I do. If we fight, we fight. If we have to run, we'll run. If we must die, we'll die, but... we'll stay free."

The ride didn't last long after they both bickered about the name of the river, Javier finally gave in after Annabelle mentioned this his name was Javier spelt with a 'J' both said as if it has an 'h'.

Javier jumped down and held out his hand for Annabelle to take which she gladly accepted.

"Why thank you, kind sir, " she pressed a soft but light kiss to his cheek.

"My pleasure, amor," Javier laid his hand on the lower part of her back and guided her to a spot on the edge of the rock. He walked a little further away and stood to the right of her.

Both getting their fishing poles out, Javier chucked her the bag of crickets he stored for her to use.

Annabelle hooked the cricket to the hook and pulled the rod back then threw it over her shoulder.

Both outlaws waited for fish to get hooked on the on the rod, Javier mainly got most fish as he was the best fisherman out there. But Annabelle wasn't too bad neither just not as good as him.

They shared a few words but they mainly listened to the birds singing, the lapping water of the waves and the slight shake from trees and bushes from the small creatures jumping out from their hiding place. But a soft summer evening breeze wrapped around them, embracing them wrapping a blanket over them.

It wasn't until Annabelle's world started to spin, she dropped the pole and run into the bushes to bring up the food she ate earlier.

Javier quickly put away his pole and did the same to hers.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now