Twelve-The Gilded Cage

500 20 5

So, 200 reads. I'm screaming right now. Thank you!! Even when I wasn't writing this book was still getting reads, votes and a few comments. I always want to please my readers so this pushes me to keep going. So thank you for getting me back on track. Stay safe out there cowboys and cowgirls!

Annabelle was seeing to the horses doing the small little things around camp, Javier had now completely blocked her off of exiting the camp without him or someone else who would not get her into trouble. So if it wasn't Javier by her side it was Charles, Arthur and Hosea and on a few occasions Lenny. But a few times Annabelle would get a girl to company her like Karen or Sadie. She tried to get Karen most times so that she would stay away from the booze.

But today the air felt a lot cooler but the swamps still horrified her. Unfortunately, for her, Boaz and Patch were both under a tree right by the swamps.

Just as she finishes off Patch's mane Hosea who was sat at a desk called her over. Annabelle smiled at the elderly man before petting Patch's nose making the mare snort, a bit of grass hanging out her mouth.

Hosea was telling Annabelle about the Garden Party in Saint-Denis, she quite liked this idea and agreed to join. There wasn't going to be any shootouts. Well, she hoped anyway.


The four of them sat in the carriage while Dutch sat up with Lenny. They all chuckled and laughed at each other, this was definitely not their style but others might differ.

Annabelle was dressed in a red dress that thing off her shoulder perfectly and didn't wrap tightly around the bump. Her hair was put up in a bun with a few strands hanging down that twirled at the ends. Her lips were a rose colour that matched her dress. A pungent perfume surrounded them from Annabelle, Mary-Beth had let her borrow some.

Hosea and Bill stepped out and Arthur followed before he turned around and lends a hand to which Annabelle accepted. Any other times she would've smacked the hand away but in this case, where they were all being watched she puts on a mask and becomes someone different. The damsel in distress. Just like Karen, she was an amazing actress.

Turning around Annabelle nodded towards Lenny who tipped his hat before snapping the reins and the carriage sped off.

The guards checked the men for guns and put the weapons in the basket they didn't check Annabelle to which she smirked when she walked away, her hands folded in front of her.

The doors opened with a man named Luca that toured Hosea, Bill towards the balcony. While Dutch, Arthur and Annabelle followed Luca up the stairs to where Angelo Bronte would be.

Luca opens the back doors to the upper balcony where all Bronte's men and Bronte himself stood.

"ah, the angry cowboys and...lady. You've arrived, and you've washed, " he spoke in his Italian accent. Javier's accent was much more better than this idiot.

He then spoke in Italian to his men in a much lower voice and then they all laughed looking towards them. Obviously an insult.

"This is quite a party you've invited us to, " Dutch says ignoring whatever comment that had to say and shook the man hand.

"yes, quite something...although I'm not quite sure what, " Angelo chuckled and leant against the balcony with Dutch. Arthur and Annabelle followed suite.

"So...this is Saint Denis high society?" Dutch asks.

"yes, apparently so"

"and all these people th-these are friends of yours, Signor Bronte?" Dutch asks while lighting his cigar.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now