Twenty-Five- Isabelle

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Once the doctor had left after talking to Darling, Charles helped get Isabelle changed before leaving as Darling breast fed Isabelle.

"You mean so much to me... Sean, Lenny, Hosea, Kieran, Arthur, Susan, Jenny, Davey and Mac would've loved you my sweetheart. Even your own father, he would've spoiled you in kisses, cuddles and gifts we cannot afford." Darling smiled at the memory as she looked down at her baby.

"I will try my best to be a great mummy and take care of you, my love," she whispered, she stroked Isabelle's cheek as she drank the last bits of milk. Darling sat her upright and then started to wind her.

Isabelle had beautiful soft tanned skin, with rosy cheeks, her eyes were a light brown, a cute little button nose, plump lips like her mother and dark hair like her father.


"Hmm. Doctor report. Saint Denis. 1899. Woman gives birth but she had a terrible look, didn't look well. She was pale, looked drained before giving birth when I saw her on the streets. If anyone has any idea what this please contact Doctor at Saint Denis soon..." Samantha read the new version of the newspaper that came out a couple of days ago.

"Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't get to Darling," Javier said as he walked beside her in Blackwater. Samantha pulled a face before throwing the newspaper in the bin that they passed.

Javier walked into the general store to only pick up the essentials that he needed for his next journey without Samantha. He had told her he needed to go his own way from now on and keep his head down. And maybe after a few years when things have cooled down he will disappear back into Mexico unless he finds his woman one last time.


Sleepless nights became a new thing to Darling and it wasn't the blessing thing to have. As soon as Isabelle started to whimper, Darling rolled over to where her baby cot was and stood up and walked over to her.

"Gosh, I wish your father was here," Darling sighed and picked Isabelle up and Darling cradled her and rocking her so she would fall asleep.

"You can't be hungry already. You had some milk an hour ago," Darling walked back to her own bed and sat and cuddled Isabelle closer as she hummed a soft tune as she stared out the window as the rain softly patted on the window.

"Cruel, cruel world, must I go on?
Cruel, cruel world, I'm moving on
I've been living too fast
And I've been living too wrong
Cruel, cruel world, I'm gone"

Darling looked down at her arms to see that Isabelle had fallen asleep once again. Quietly, Darling stood to her feet and slowly walked to the white fabricated cot and placed Isabelle inside gently.

"Sleep now, my darling Isabelle," she stroked her daughters cheek softly and smiled sadly before walking back to bed. She turned over and her shoulders slumped and her façade fell. She stared at the guitar that was ahead of her in the corner of the room.

It was Javier's. Darling had seen it at the old camp, still meant up against some boxes and in good condition. The guitar and her daughter are the only thing she has left of Javier now. She prayed every night that she would one day find him and hope that he is doing the same.

Only the Mexican now had other plans.

"I've been good for too long...maybe I'm going insane," he spoke to himself a he rode to nowhere in particular.

Weeks had passed now without Samantha, and the year 1899 is almost over. Though Texas was not cold, it was scorching still in winter. Though, he was glad he wasn't up in the mountains.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now