Twenty-Seven- If tomorrow never comes

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Pre warning if you do not believe and seem to have a disliking against religion then don't read this chapter. But if you don't believe but don't mind, please go ahead and read if you like. Thank you. Please respect other people's opinions and what they believe in or not.

"It's you?" Darling turned around and when she saw his face she held back her tears. "What are you doing here, Javier?" Darling asked as she gulped down her sobs.

"I was looking for you. I have been for eight years. It seemed when I moved you moved," Javier said and he chuckled a little but Darling didn't even smile.

"I...I need to go," Darling sighed and turned around and rushed out the saloon. What in hell! He's back.

"Darling! Please forgive me. I was stupid. Blinded by loyalty and that rat who killed Susan...Hey where is our baby?" Javier panicked a little as he caught up with the woman.

"She is fine and far away from you," Darling spat. "If her own father couldn't be there at the beginning, why should she see him now?" Darling questioned as she looked at the Mexican. His eyes softened but then hardened and clenched his fists.

"She's my daughter too! I'm sorry I wasn't there! What did you expect me to do? You didn't leave any breadcrumbs for me to find you! Or a letter. I thought...I thought you died, mi amor," Javier grabbed Darling who frowned at him and struggled to get out of his grip.

"And I was right thinking it was a girl," he chuckled. He remembered?  "What's her name? You can at least give me that," he sighed as he let go of the woman before him.

"First of all, don't call me 'amor' ever again and her name is Isabelle Susan Escuella," Javier stared up at Darling with a wide smile.

"Does she know of me?" Javier asked, Darling bit her lip and stared into his deep dark eyes. She watched as Javier soon realised that his own daughter didn't know anything. He was angry at himself but also at Darling.

"I was doing it to protect her! I was scared," Darling tried to reason but Javier shook his head.

"I want to see her," Javier whispered ignoring her as he walked towards the woman and tugged on her wrist and pulled her along to where Boaz was. The horse perked his head up at the sounds of footsteps and his ears pricked up when he saw Darling and Javier walking towards him. Boaz's eyes searched for Patch's but she was nowhere in sight. However, he could smell her and another horse on Darling.

"Javier, you're hurting me," Darling whimpered as she tried to get out of his grasp.

"Just take me to her, please," Javier pushed her towards Boaz, Darling hesitated before climbing up on the saddle, Javier follow and climbed up behind her. Darling flinched when he placed his hands on her waist making Boaz whine in worry.

"Come on, boy," Darling clicked her tongue and spurred Boaz into a trot towards Beecher's Hope.

During the ride towards the ranch there was an awkward silence. Javier had no idea on what to say to her, he had been waiting for this moment to find his love but no words could truly form. His grip on her waist tightened making Darling sit up straight and freeze.

Fortunately, the entrance of the ranch started to appear, Darling spurred Boaz into a little gallop to speed things up.

As they raced down the trail of the ranch, Javier looked around and saw life and watched it grow and saw how difference there is. Things seemed more calm and happier, this is how he saw things with Darling but that was all in the past now.

"Mamma!" A young girl came riding out on an American Paint mare.

"Oh look at you! Well done, my love," Darling smiled and jumped down and walked towards Isabelle who looked down at her mother with a grin.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now