Twenty-Justice has finally caught up with him

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A few weeks had passed and the Indians have been in more trouble with the law in all history because of Dutch. However, Annabelle had overheard Sadie and Arthur talk about Colm O'Driscoll being hanged for once and for all.

"I wanna see that bastard swing, I don't care what you say. I'll blend in with the crowd and I'm not afraid to shoot some of the O'Driscoll boys." Annabelle insisted as she walked beside Arthur towards his horse.

"I know you do, but what if Colm or one his men see you and recognise you and kill you or closely followed by Colm on the scaffold. What then? huh? What am I supposed to say to Javier? Oh yes, your beloved partner decided to get herself killed today, sorry brother. I don't think so, Anna," Arthur brushed the woman off and continued to tack up his horse.

"Well I was hoping you were going to say it a little more subtly, but I can go with that. Plus, I am not going to die, What, just because I'm pregnant I'm going to die? I could've died that night out in the swamps by the O'Driscolls, alligators, nite folk. Or what about the time I very first joined, all your guns pointing at me. Any day we can die, Arthur. Heck, the Murfree Brood could come down and kill us all. I am not afraid of a little blood, I'm not the damsel in distress. I'm the best gun you got as a woman beside Sadie," Annabelle paused as she watched Arthur's reaction, he sighed and shook his head, dipping it down in disappointment. "I'll have you by my side, Arthur. I'll be fine,"

"Come along then," He picked her up and sat her side ways on his buckskin standardbred before getting up on the saddle.

"Let's ride cowboy!" Annabelle cheered with a victory smile as they rode out of camp. The wind had picked up due to their speed but the Lemoyne air was still sweltering as before. The strong casts of winds caused Annabelle's brown locks to fly back and send an unwelcoming chill down her spine.


The famous black smoke that swirled and curled in the air told you that you were now in the toxic city called Saint Denis. Not one good memory casted over this place and the day she found out about how Angelo Bronte died and at the gala with the way he looked at her like she was some meat for sale. This caused bile to come up her throat but she managed to swallow it back down with a gulp and breathing through her nose.

They arrived outside the small saloon, the roads and pathways were quiet even the Saloon was empty only Sadie, Dutch and the bartender sat inside. Arthur jumped down before helping down the woman and stayed close behind her to the saloon.

"Looking like a lady won't help us if you're not going to act like one," Dutch sneered said he smokes his cigar.

"Don't you worry about me." Sadie turned to face Dutch catching Arthur and Annabelle's eyes before turning away quickly and drinking her beer.

"There you are." Dutch followed Sadie's gaze and spotted the two. "Ms Jenson." He sighed at the pregnant woman.

"Here I am," Arthur said as he gripped his gun belt.

"Come on, let's go," Dutch pulled away from the bar he and Sadie turned around to look at them both.

"Let's go where?" Arthur asked, Annabelle mentally face palmed. "And why are you so riled up?" He asked again gesturing to the widow and putting 50 cents on the bar.

"Today is a great day, Arthur." Dutch nodded to the man. "Today is the day they are going to hang Colm O'Driscoll."

"That so?" Arthur mumbled, Annabelle chuckled and shook her head.

"Oh he will, Arthur," Annabelle clenched her fists tight her knuckles turning white.

"Either they hang him, or I shoot him..." Sadie said as she looked at Dutch who nodded.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now