Nineteen- It's Mrs to you

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Javier slept outside, well tried to. His mind was on her, her words everything. No one had came out the tent or went in. His worry grew as the sun rises they still hadn't come out.

Around lunchtime, Javier was sat at the campfire, head in his hands as he stared into the flames. Until he heard shuffling and whispering in their tent. He perked up and waited for another hour until Reverend came out and then went back in with a bowl of water. Another hour passed, Swanson and Abigail both came out. They exchanged a few words before walking separate ways. Abigail walking towards the Mexican.

"Fortunately, the baby is fine. But you caused them and Annabelle some stress. So I would just be there for her for now and let her rest. Make sure she rests, though. No sewing, washing dishes getting up for food or water. Just to do her business and that's it. Clear?" Abigail asked, Javier nodded quickly and stood up.

"Thank you, for helping her. Can I go see her?" He asked with concern, Abigail nodded with hesitation before walking away and getting some well deserved rest.

Javier opened the canvass a little poking his head in, Susan was just blowing out the candle. She looked over at him with a scowl before walking past him to leave him be but then she paused and quickly grabbed him tightly by the arm.

"You try and upset her once more...I swear I will destroy you Javier. No matter where you are, if I'm alive or dead I will find you and haunt you," She then let go before storming off, Javier shivered and grimaced at the thoughts of Susan killing him. With how Molly went, he didn't want to know how he would go.

Javier walked over towards the bed, he sat on the edge and stared down at her. He reached out his hand brushing a few strands from her face. "Hermosa," he whispered before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

Pulling away, her face frowned in discomfort and she stirred and then hummed as she nestled her head into the pillows. A little bit of drool escaping her parted lips making him chuckle. Finding the courage, he laid down beside her and watched her sleep before his eyes fluttered shut.


Annabelle opened her eyes and saw that she was not alone. Javier was laying right beside her, his arm slung over her bump, his head in the crook of her neck. His hot breath fanned her neck causing goosebumps to rise. This had been a long time since they slept like this, when she woke up like this. She would normally wake up alone and cold.

Annabelle hummed a soft melody, her fingers reaching up to Javier's hair and pulled out the tie and running her fingers through it.

Slow down, lie down
Remember it's just you and me
Don't sell out, bow out
Remember how this used to be

I just want you closer, is that alright?
Baby let's get closer, tonight

Grant my last request and just let me hold you
Don't shrug your shoulders, lay down beside me
Sure I can accept that we're going nowhere
But one last time let's go there, lay down beside me,

And I've found that I'm bound
To wander down that one way road,
And I realized all about your lies
But I'm no wiser than the fool that I was before

I just want you closer, is that alright?
Baby let's get closer, tonight

Grant my last request and just let me hold you
Don't shrug your shoulders, lay down beside me
And sure I can accept that we're going nowhere
But one last time let's go there, lay down beside me,

Baby, baby, baby
Tell me how can, how can this be wrong?

Grant my last request and just let me hold you
Don't shrug your shoulders, lay down beside me
Sure I can accept that we're going nowhere
But one last time let's go there, lay down beside me

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now