Twenty-Six-Silver Blade

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They say only the good die young. That just ain't right.

8 years later

"Hurry up Isabelle!" Darling called for the young girl who petted the shire horse that grazed the little field.

"Yes mama," she called back and hurried along with a smile and a book in hand.

"We must hurry. Charles needs help on getting out tonight," Darling clutched tightly on Isabelle's hand as they crossed roads and down an alley where she spotted Charles with two other men.

"Mummy? Who are they with uncle Charles?" Isabelle asked as she stepped forward but her mother grabbed her.

"With me," she said and put Isabelle behind herself and walked towards the men.

"Charles," Darling spoke softly making the men turn their heads.

"Ah Mrs Escuella. Are you going to bet on LoneWolf tonight?" The better asks as he opens his book.

"No, not tonight Charlie," she said and looked at Charles who nodded and smiled before betting on himself before walking away.

"Oh lord. It's Annabelle!" Uncle yelled and ran towards the woman and hugged her tightly. Isabelle moved to the side and glared the small fat man.

"It's Darling now. Well it always was, it's wonderful to see you Uncle! And you, John Marston!" Darling gushed and hugged the scarred man.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, Darling. How have you been? And who is this?" He walks towards Isabelle who crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm Isabelle Susan Escuella," she held out her hand which John shook.

"Yes, this is my daughter. We've been well. Me and Charles raised her together and she became a strong, bright and beautiful lady," Darling spoke, John noticed the woman had lost her bitterness in her voice and it had became quite scary that it was now quiet and soft.

"I'm a woman, mum. I ain't no lady. I don't need no man or to be swept off of my feet. I just need you and Charles in my life forever," Darling chuckled and looked at the men who smiled at the girl.

"She has or what used to have as your attitude. You've changed Darling. Where did you go?" Uncle laughed as they walked towards the crowd.

"I didn't. This is just a disguise," she spoke normally in her bitterness voice away from her daughter. The men soon realised and nodded and looked back at Charles who was beating the other man black and blue.

It wasn't long until the man was down and Charles had won once again. Darling knew how much he hated this but his day job at the stables wasn't paying enough so he quit not long ago to box. He built a well figure over time as he worked.

As they were walking away Uncle said he needed to be somewhere but they all knew where somewhere was. John and Charles spoke about Arthur and Susan, Darling spoke up a bit about them. Isabelle listened carefully as they spoke about their past, she knew what her mother was and what she did. But her mother ran away to save her and her own life. Her father, her mother never spoke of him.

"What about Javier? Any news on him?" John asked, Charles and Darling's eyes widened at the mention of his name. Darling knew it was bad to hide Isabelle's father away from her but who knew her she would react? That her father was blinded by loyalty and was given so many chances?

"No. You?" Darling asked looking back at Isabelle who looked to be deep in thought as she stared to the side.

"Nope. Not even from Dutch or Micah. You know Micah told on Dutch not Molly?" Darling and Charles looked at him wide eyed.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now