Epilogue One

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Warning- smut

Javier gently placed Darling on their shared bed and hovered over her, his lips trailing down her soft delicate skin. He bit down on her neck making the woman moan, her fingers in his hair and gripped it tightly pulling at some strands.

Darling pushed Javier away, the man frowned thinking he was the problem but he smirked when Darling pushed him to the side. She now straddled him and had him where she wanted him.

Javier ran his hands up her back and unzipped her wedding dress and slipped it off her shoulders revealing her bare chest to him. Javier gulped and stared at her boobs in lust and her little baby fat made her more sexier to him.

While Javier was staring at her chest he hadn't realised she had unbuttoned his shirt until she leaned down and kissed his chest, stomach and then just above his belt.

Darling pulled away and slipped her dress off fully and her undergarments, Javier did the same throwing his shirt across the room. She helped unbuckle his belt, her hand brushing against his bulge.

Javier groaned and pulled her wrists away before doing it himself and undressing himself completely to her. His dick stood proudly, Darling's mouth watered and her legs clenched together, her eyes trailed up to Javier's eyes who stared back at her. A smirk plastered on his face as he awaited on what his wife did next.

Her hands wrapped themselves around him before her mouth sucked on his dick, Javier's hand immediately went to her hair and pulled at it making her gag on him as he thrusted himself in her mouth.

Tears formed at the corner of her eyes but she kept going, she pulled back making Javier whine and then moan when her tongue pressed against his tip. Darling looked through her lashes to see Javier helpless as he squeezed his eyes shut and clenched the sheets.

Darling felt him twitch so she pulled away completely and then played with herself first before sitting up and hovering over him again before easily letting him slip in. They moaned together at the friction and how Darling's walks stretched around him.

She leaned close to Javier who was leant up against the headboard and kissed him on the lips before she started rocking her hips and bouncing. Their chest were touching, her hands were in his hair while his hands were on her waist and thighs.

"I missed this so much," Javier moaned into her ear as he thrusted up into her. Darling only moaned in response and rolled her head back letting Javier have access to her neck and shoulders. He kissed down her neck to the crook of her neck before biting down and then pressing his tongue against where he bit.

"Javi...I can't keep going," Darling whined as she grew tired. Javier pulled out and lifted her up before rolling her to her back so he was above her.

He wasted no time in roughly thrusting into her, her eyes widened and she moaned. Her nails clawed at his back as he sped up his actions as he felt her walls tighten and his dick twitch. He reached down and played with her clit.

"Javier!" She screamed, Javier groaned and wrapped his hand around her neck while the one stroked her.

"Not yet! Hold it," Darling whined, her eyes rolling back as he thrusted harder and faster.

"I can't," Javier felt her walls clench tightly as she squirted at him making him smirk, he pulled out and cummed all over her stomach.

"We're officially husband and wife now in my eyes," Javier whispered to her before rolling over and wiping his sweat away.

"Eight fucking years I have waited," Darling sighed, Javier got up and grabbed a wet cloth and came back and cleaned her still sensitive area making Darling hiss, he apologised before wiping her stomach.

He came back and laid beside her, her back against his chest, he kissed her shoulders and then she heard light snores coming from him. Darling smiled to herself before drifting off to sleep.


"You see that? That's deer trails," Javier spoke softly to Isabelle as they crouched to the ground.

"How can you see that?" She whispered yelled back with a frown. Javier chuckled before pointing at it making Isabelle realise she was liking in the wrong place. "Oh," she smiled and then walked slowly following the trail until it stopped at a river.

Isabelle looked up to spot the deer and she did, a stag grazing on a small patch of grass. She stayed down wind and hid behind a rock that was closer to the other side and was in a bit of the water. But this didn't bother Isabelle at all, she set up her bow and arrow before turning around and pulling back the wire before letting go and watched as the arrow flew right into the deers neck.

He fell with no noise making Isabelle fist bump the air and run over towards the stag.

"No! Watch out! Belle!" Javier called and rushed after her his gun pointing at the rock above her where a cougar jumped up ready to pounce. Javier was quick to pull his trigger and shot the cougar in mid air and watched it whine and fall to its death.

"I'm sorry, Pa!" Isabelle cried as she grabbed the stag and pulled it away.

"Don't worry. Just watch your surroundings at all times," Javier scolded her and helped her lift the carcass up and throw it over Boaz back.

"Come on, let's go home,"


"Happy birthday!" They all sang to Isabelle when she came in the main house of the Marston's.

She opened up her presents from everyone, it was a shame that Charles and Sadie were no longer here as they parted ways. Charles went back up north to settle down whereas Sadie went out to work in the west.

They all sat and had dinner in peace with all smiles and laughs. Darling stood up and took her own, Javier's and Isabelle's dishes and as she walked away her body swayed a little until she fell forward.


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