Eighteen-A Great Chief

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Arthur's words replayed in Annabelle's head almost everyday, night and any time she was left alone. "I need you to get out soon. Escape with Javier. If he is loyal to what matters he will follow. Just do it for me." The pregnant woman stood beside Patch as she groomed her coat her thoughts were clouded just like the sky as the sun disappeared behind a dark cloud.

Annabelle felt a presence behind her but she decided to ignore whoever it was, until the person went round her on a white and dark grey horse. Taima. The horse stopped and the rider cleared their throat before speaking.

"You look like you need to get out for a bit," Charles spoke softly, Annabelle looked up at the man with curious eyes. "Well you have been cooped up in the camp for a bit and have been round negative energy with gang. It's not good for the baby. So I was thinking would you like to join me to the Wapiti Reservation?" This  must've been the most he has spoken to her apart from that time she ran out the doctors and he found her slumped against the tree.

"That's nice of you...but I don't have a horse," she replied with a sad smile and carried on brushing Patch.

"You can ride with me," he paused for a second waiting for a reaction. "If you like," Charles got down from his mount and stood beside Annabelle.

"Okay, thank you for this, Charles," Annabelle smiled up at the half native. He nodded with a small smile before carefully lifting her up on Taima's rump.  Charles was careful to get himself up and then spurred Taima out of camp and headed Northwest where the Reservation was located.

"Have you met these people before?" She asked as she watched the tree line and the beauty of nature.

"Yes, they are like me. Natives but they are being moved again for oil, medicine being diverted. Children and women are sick. It sickens me, brings back these memories of the time my mother was taken away from an army and was never to be seen again," Annabelle placed her hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"Do you think of her often?" She asked in a whisper, afraid he might burst. Charles hid his emotions well, this is the first time he has ever opened up to her.

"Always. I hope wherever she is, she is at peace,"


To get to the Wapiti Reservation it took half a day, the weather was much different. Annabelle shivered as another breeze swept past them Charles hitched Taima at the entrance, Annabelle looked around her surroundings and the people that lived there that stared at her.

Wearing a dress in this weather was horrible, she wished she could still wear her infamous outfit. Charles got down and then held out his hands, she pushed herself forward until she fell into his arms. She mumbled 'thank you' when her boots touched the ground.

"Charles, why are they looking at me like that?" Annabelle asks as she grips his arm, though Charles chuckled and pushed her forward and he followed behind her.

"They are just not used to seeing an American woman in their home," Charles told her with a smile.

Children ran towards Annabelle with big eyes as they stared at her. Annabelle smiled down at them and waved her hand a little, their faces soon lit up and smiled back and giggled before hugging her legs and then grabbing her hands and dragging her towards a teepee.

They ask something in Lakota which makes Annabelle smile in embarrassment. It wasn't her fault but these hormones made her feel like it was because she didn't understand what they were saying.

"She asked you can we play with your hair?" Charles told her as he crouched down beside her. Annabelle looked at the children and quickly nodded before turning her back to them so they could reach her hair.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now