Twenty-Two-Hunting Season

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Javier gripped the letter tightly after reading it. The last thing he had of her, was the letter. He stumbled back and fell onto the cot and sat staring at the pages.

The tent flaps were pulled back and Susan stood there staring at him with sad eyes. "I'm sorry Mr Escuella. If you really love her, turn around while you still can and go after her and stay with her." Javier nodded as he folded the letters and put them back in the envelope.

After awhile of sitting there and feeling sorry for himself and guilty he stood up and walked out the tent. He was met with nothingness and just darkness and rain.

Then there was a rustle and hooves coming down the path of the entrance of Beaver Hollow. The mud kicking up from the anonymous riders. Javier squinted as he looked at the horses. It was Arthur's and Charles' horses. Javier clenched his jaw and hands together before taking long strides over towards then.

"Did you force her out of here?" Javier asked stepping closer to Charles.

"She waited for you Javier, she was not going to sit around any longer just to wait for you or her to be killed. Maybe if she left and wrote the letter she thought you would change but it seems you haven't in the slightest." Charles gave him a disgusted look before walking away and Arthur following suit.

"I do love her-"

"Really? I can't see you chasing after her," Arthur turned around to look at the Mexican as he said those words.


"Tallulah, I am fine," Darling giggled as the woman helped her off the wagon.

"I know you're fine. But I can't risk you hurting yourself. You live with us now, follow my rules cowgirl," Tallulah chuckled.

"I'm just a woman now, Tallulah. I'm not in that life no more," Darling sighed as she sat inside one of the tepees. The older woman came in with two bowls of stew and passed one bowl to Darling.

"What happened to your partner? Did he not want to follow?" Tallulah asked as she stirred her spoon in the bowl before taking a sip.

"He is still running with them. I guess I didn't turn his head enough, but I told him where I was held. I guess I'm just hoping..." Darling said sadly as she looked at the stew.

"I'm sure he will come around even if it's years to come. He returned to you, you brought him home. And when he does, make him stay home. Because when he steps one foot back out there in that life again, alone. He's dead in a few days." Tallulah's words seemed to have some type of affect on Darling as her heart picked up speed. Images flashing of Javier dead or hung at the gallows. It sent a unwelcome chill down her spine at the thoughts.


"There's Pinkertons coming, fast!" Javier ran down the embankment with fear in his voice and face. But coming across the scene of a rivalry between Dutch and who he once called his son and his golden boy.

Micah was quick to use Javier's words as a distraction and shot Susan. The woman whimpered and gasped for air as she tumbled back and fell to the ground.

"Now! Who amongst you is with me and who, is betraying me?" Dutch looked down at Susan as he passed her as her body shivered at the coldness of death that embraced her for once and for all until her body became motionless. His face faltered at the scene but then gathered himself before pointing his guns at Micah and Arthur whom were either side of him.

"Bill, Javier..." Javier looked at Arthur and a lump formed in his throat as he thought of Darling. She loved Arthur. She still does. But what about loyalty. He should've turned around with Darling. "Think, think for yourselves." Arthur eyed Javier as he said those words. He watched the Mexican move his gun away and point it sideways before pointing it up in the air. His heart was pounding. Never has he been this scared. Not even Guarma had scared him this much.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now