Twenty-Three-Horse with no rider

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Darling stumbled back her hand smacking over her mouth as tears formed in her eyes. Arthur dead. And Susan. The two people who cared and loved her beside Abigail and Javier.

"Charles has gone out to bury them. He didn't want you to know because he knew you would act this way." Tallulah took ahold of Darling's hands and squeezed them. "He said we must carry on to get furthermore in Canada. Rains Fall agrees," Tallulah spoke sadly as she looked at the woman who had already lost so much. She saw herself in Darling.

"No. I'm not leaving Charles alone out there-"

But she was cut off with one look from her before she said, "you are pregnant, Darling. You step one foot out there alone with no one you are dead. We must move tomorrow first thing. You are staying. For yourself, your unborn child and for Charles sake. It would make him happy knowing you are safe."

"Okay," Darling nodded before walking away and into her room that was shared with Elu. She was quite quiet and kept to herself but when she was spoken to she spoke back.


New Austin. It's changed. Since the beginning of the year to now the middle it's changed a lot. A new gang roamed the area a bunch of Mexicans, some Californio's in their gang but they were mean.

Javier tended to stay away from them parts and hung around in Armadillo's saloon. A whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

He had not found his woman. Of course, he stayed loyal. Kind of. He flirted but that's it. No touching, no kissing not even a glance at the breast.

When he arrived at Wapiti he found empty tents destroyed and everyone there had packed up and left. Tracks had been swept away by wind and other horses. It became confusing for him, yet he was once the second best tracker.

"Hello Javier,"

Javier rolled his shoulders back and sighed before turning around. He was a bit tipsy so he stumbled a little as he did so.

"Ah-you are...who are you?" Javier asked. The woman before him sighed and dragged him out the saloon.

"You know me. Also you didn't hitch your horse and he was just wondering around. You should be careful. Horse like that can get stolen," she pointed at Boaz who was now hitched at a post.

"Sí, but he is fine now. But answer me. Who are you?"

"Jesus Javier, It's Samantha. You know I saved your wife Annabelle,"

"No." Javier shook his head and walked towards Boaz.

"What do you mean no? Javier where is Annabelle?" Samatha asked with slight concern.

"Annabelle...she doesn't exist. It's Darling. I don't know where she is. It's been a month or maybe more. I'm not quite sure no more. One day just rolls into another." Javier shrugs before spurring Boaz into a gallop and out towards McFarlane's Ranch.

"I heard about what happened. I thought you both would've travelled together," Samatha catches up on her horse.

"No. I was an idiot and was selfish and was blinded by loyalty. Now leave me alone," Javier huffed and rolled his eyes as Samantha carried on following him.

"I can't leave you alone like this. Ann-Darling wouldn't like that you're out here like this alone. Drinking away your problems," Samantha stated as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"She hasn't sent me any letters on where she is. So why should I care now. I don't think she does. Not anymore," They had just reached Hennigan's Stead and the ranch had just came into view. "Where are you staying, Javier?" Samantha asked.

"No where. I just travel, drink and think about her as I lay under the stars." Javier didn't look at her but imagined that Darling was here instead of her.

Every night, Javier would lay under the night sky and speak to the moon as if it were her. Or in hopes she is doing the same. But after a while he ends up crying in silence and falls asleep due to exhaustion.

"Oh. I see. I will leave now, I've tried I guess. I'm sorry, Javier," just as Samantha was about to turn around and hit the breeze he called out to her.

"Don't leave me." Was all he said and she stayed the whole day and further ahead.


Darling walked down the now familiar street of Springdeer and the people who lived there greeted her in kind smiles and words. She had now started to make a living and worked at a small library on the corner of Main Street. The layout was very similar to Valentine and it was filled with snow rather than mud.

The library was a small little shop but a huge variety of books. Not many people came in and Darling would find herself sat in the armchair reading a fantasy romance book. Alongside her would be a warm cup of tea with a lantern beside it when it got darker.

However, today was a little bit busier so there was no time for a sit down. As Darling was stacking the lower shelves there was two men dressed in suits walking in.

Darling turned around fully as she recognised one of the voices. Edgar. Her heart dropped as she thought to herself, this is it.

She moved to one side and hid behind the larger shelves and pretended to look for a book.

"Pinkerton Detective Agency. I'm Edgar Ross this here is my colleague Alfie Carter. We're here to ask if you have seen anyone that fits this description and the name of John Marston?"

John? She thought. He's still alive? Darling quickly ran in the back office and grabbed her bag and hat.

"Sorry, Mr Johnson but I don't feel so good. I'll see you around!" Darling called to which Johnson mumbled something but Darling didn't stop.

She ran out and run back up the street towards the outskirts of Springdeer.

"Darling? What are you doing here?" Tallulah asked her in concern as she packed bags and threw them in the back of the wagon.

"John. He is still alive. He is my last hope," Darling breathed out and climbed up on the wagon.

"No! You cannot leave us!" She yelled as tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. But I got told that, you either die a hero...or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain. And I saw one become a Villain and loads die as hero's." Darling grabbed Tallulah's hand and squeezed it.

"I will write to you. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and picking me up. But it's time for me to go,"


Darling had finally left the North and away from Canada and headed Eastwards towards
O' Creaghs Run. She had followed the trails that were big enough for Taima's hooves.

"Darling?" She lifted her head to spot Charles on Taima and a body on her rump. His face was filled with sorrow and concern towards the pregnant woman. "What are you doing here? You should be back at Springdeer with the rest of them." He scolded her as he made Taima move closer.

"I couldn't stay there any longer. I care for them I really do but I found out something-"

"Stop. I don't need an explanation. I'm just glad you're okay. You must stick with me from now on. This is not a sight that you may like, unfortunately,"

Darling looked behind Charles and her heart dropped in her stomach.


~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now