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It had been a few days, Annabelle was back in the swamps. Something she had not long ago came out of. And here they all were in a manor called Shady Bell. Sean would've loved this. They got Jack back though which was nice, Annabelle didn't party.

She sat beside Javier as he played for them all, she swayed to the music and hummed the song with him. Then when the party came to an end Javier took Annabelle's hand guided her to their both shared tent far away from the others like they requested on the side of house towards the back. He placed the guitar down outside the tent and placed his hand on the small of Annabelle's back and went inside. They twirled and danced to Dutch's gramophone, her head was leant up against his chest as she listened to his heartbeat. Her fingers were in his hair, his hands were on her hips.

"Anna...mi amor. I-I am scared...Will I be good enough of a father for our child? I mean, what if they don't like me?" Javier asks, Annabelle's brows furrows and pull away looking up at him.

"Oh, Javier, you will be perfect father. You and I will give them the best and give them the life we could not have," Annabelle stokes the side of face which he leans into the palm of her hand and kisses softly on the soft skin.

"This why I fell in love you, querida," Javier whispers before pressing his lips against hers.

Annabelle stood on the outskirts of Shady Bell on Guard Duty. In the corner of her eye she saw John walking over with a map in his hands.

"What you got there, John?" Annabelle asks pealing over the paper just as he was about to mount on Old Boy.

"Coach Robbery...wanna join? I was going on my own but I could need backup-" John was cut off by Javier as he overhead the conversation as he fed the chickens.

"I don't think so Anna. Think about the baby," Javier accidentally blurted it out and Annabelle winced when John jumped down from his horse and walked towards them both.

"Baby?" He said a bit too loudly. Javier groaned and smacking his head in realisation. Lenny turned around and so did Pearson.

"Annabelle's pregnant?" They both say unison, then more people turned around and started to gather around.

Annabelle glared at Javier and John and looked towards the crowd they had gathered.

"I guess I am... pregnant and healthy as a horse," Annabelle grits her teeth. The gang cheers and congratulates both Annabelle and Javier, apart from Micah who scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Great...another mouth to feed, another greaser!" He seethed at Annabelle making sure no one else heard.

"Say that again, I dare you," Annabelle growls. Micah raises a brow and smirks before standing up straight.

"Another greaser-" her hand swiftly smacked the side of Micah's cheek, and then puts him in headlock with a knife to his throat.

"Don't fucking mess with my family," Annabelle whispered and then kicked him on the back to make him fall on the mud. Javier smirked and wrapped an arms around her waist and walked away with her.

"Next time I won't hesitate and I will stab him right in the throat," Annabelle growled her teeth clenched together.


Annabelle stood in front of a mirror in the tailors in Saint Denis. She was now around fifteen weeks, her sides were hurting now from the baby growing. She couldn't wear her infamous jeans, shirt and vest. It was now a dress that wasn't tight around her. The bump was now a lot bigger and she was vomiting a lot more too.

Walking out the changing rooms with dress still on she smiled at the cashier and gave him $20 before walking out the tailors where Javier stood leant up against the wall beside the door, a cigarette between his fingers and lips.

"¡Mi amor! Estás muy guapa," Javier dropped the cigarette and grabbed Annabelle gently by the waist and pulled her into him.

"You see what you do to me, mi amor? I forget all English words to form how beautiful you are," Annabelle blushes at his words, she grabs his neck and pulls him down to meet her lips.

His hands travel towards her bump which causes Annabelle to pull away and rest their foreheads against each other.

"I can't wait to see their beautiful face, it's going to be a girl I can feel it," Javier told Annabelle looking up through his lashes with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Neither can I, but I think it's a boy," Annabelle whispered to him with a knowingly smile.

"Javier...we need to leave soon. I can't give birth here or we will never leave," Annabelle mumbled looking up at the man before her. He nodded biting his lip with a frown.

"I know, mi amor. I-we need money," Javier sighed. Annabelle nodded quickly and took Javier's hand with hers.

"I'm sure we will find a way," Annabelle smiled and then pressed her lips against his which he didn't hesitate to kiss back.

"Hmm, hotel room?" Annabelle asks when pulling away, Javier smirked and nodded before grabbing her hand tightly but not enough to bruise her and raced down the street to the hotel.

"Well where are you two lovebirds off too? And a beautiful girl hanging around a greaser," a voice spoke aloud from behind them in the alleyway. Annabelle turned around and let go of Javier hand to see a crooked man with a nasty face.

"Yes," her voice was stern and her chin held high. "I hang around the greaser but he is a gentlemen unlike you. Saved many lives took bad lives like me. And we won't hesitate to slice your throat." Annabelle whispered lowly to man. He smirked like the man in camp would.

"A sweetheart like you wouldn't hurt a fly," he chuckled. Annabelle let's out a false chuckle before putting him at knifepoint at the throat. The mans breath hitched, his eyes wide with fear but he had done sin his eyes showed her what he has done.

"I'm not if I should let you live, sir?" Annabelle asks with a sly smile, her eyes twinkled with delight. "The lives you destroyed...you feel no sympathy. So why should I when you stood before in this state?" Her words were cruel but the points were valid and the man gulped before nodding. Javier wanted to stop her but he would love to this. He just hopes that the law won't sniff about near them.

She smirks turning around at Javier and winked before looking back at the middle aged man. "But I can do no such thing..." Annabelle mumbled stepping away making the man sigh and stand normally. But he gasped and splattered up blood as the sharp knife was slashed into his skin and his stomach.

"Sorry fella but we trying to get rid of folks like you," and then she pulled the knife out and wiped it on her dress and put it back in her holster.

"Javier help me with the body," Annabelle whispered and grabbed the mans arms while Javier grabbed his legs and carried him together further back in the alleyway in the dark.

"Dogs are good at smelling filth," Annabelle seethed and then spat on the body before grabbed Javier hand and walking to the hotel.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now