Two-The Magician and The Irishman

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This is how I imagine Patch to look 🌹

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This is how I imagine Patch to look 🌹

West Elizabeth was no place for the Van Der Linde gang. Bounty hunters swarming the area. Javier, Charles and Annabelle ride past them looking away from them and try not to catch any unwanted attention after that whole mess in Blackwater.

They are supposed to meet up Josiah but after setting up their camp and Arthur joining in he still hadn't arrived for a day.

"Gentlemen and Lady, " the four outlaws turn their head to see the one and only Josiah Trelawny.

"Sean is being moved to federal prison, " Josiah inform the group.

"We can't get somebody out a federal prison. We either get him now or cut him loose, " Arthur whispers.

"We're not cutting anyone loose, " Charles replies, furrowing his brows. Arthur nods and tells Charles to head up on the other side to have them in either direction.

Once Charles heads off the other four rides on to find the boat where Sean is.

Arthur watches as the Ike's Skelding Boys kick and punches Sean, they then drag him up the hill and they were gone.

"What about the two down there?" Annabelle points out. Trelawny smirks before riding ahead again and down the hill.

He told the three outlaws to stay behind while he made a distraction about his wife 'Bessie'

The three lay low and watch Josiah have a fake panic attack and fall to the floor.

Arthur and Javier went ahead and stealth killed the hunters. Annabelle hurried over grabbing her bow and arrows that were filled with poison.

She shoots the other two up ahead but it caught attention real quick. More Ike Skelding boys raced down shooting at the three outlaws, Charles also shooting from the top the canyon.

Annabelle looks up to see Charles struggling to get a man off of him. She pulls out her sniper rifle and shoots down the hunter. Charles looks over and nods before running away.

Annabelle runs further up just as riders came in and it all happened so fast. She didn't even make it to her cover in time.

Her insides felt cold as the red liquid touched her hands as she holds her side in pain. She had been shot to the front of her waist, blood gushing out from the bullet.

She stumbles next to a rock and shoots the remaining Ike Skelding boys.

Javier is quick to rush to her side and help her up. Annabelle shakes her head groaning.

"It's ok. I can do it, " she holds her wound putting pressure on it and limping up the hill. Two more Ike Skelding's ran towards them but Arthur and Javier managed to shoot them.

Charles races towards them grabbing Annabelle and lifting her bridal style calling for Javier's horse and placing her on Boaz.

"Don't move! We'll be back, " Annabelle nods groaning making Boaz whine from the tension.

"It's ok. I'm just hurt but I'm fine. Javi will be here soon. She reaches over patting the stallion's neck.

The loud gunshots stop and whistle were heard. Boaz galloped towards Javier. He quickly jumped on making sure not to hit Annabelle.

"Charles you take Sean. Javier make sure her wound is tended to. I'm gonna see what I can take from here." Charles and Javier head back to camp quick with Sean and Annabelle. Her mare Patch following closely behind.

Annabelle leans her head against Javier's back who at first tenses but recovers quickly. Sean was yapping the whole way so Charles decided to take another path away from the other two one who was critically injured.

"Thank you, by the way, Javier, " Annabelle says softly.

"No need. I would do the same for anyone else. So don't die on me, Cowgirl, " Javier and Annabelle chuckle.

"Its gonna take more than that to kill me, " Javier nods smiling even know she can't see it.

They quickly arrive back to Horseshoe Overlook Javier helping her down and taking her to Ms Grimshaw.

"I knew you shouldn't have gone on that job. First your ankle now your waist!" Javier tells her as they walk to the cot that Ms Grimshaw put out.

Ms Grimshaw agreed then pulled the canvas blocking the view from prying eyes. She took her vest and shirt off and grabbed her equipment. She cleaned the wound before grabbing her surgical scissors to pull the bullet out. When she did her blood squirted a bit making Annabelle chuckle at Susan's disgust.

Susan cleaned the wound once more and stitched the wound, before wrapping a bandage around her torso applying pressure to stop the bleeding.

Susan left the tent while Annabelle changed into one of the bigger shirts she had and tucked it in her pants. She walked out wincing at each step she took.

She sat down at the campfire watching the flames dance in the dark. A party was being held for the safe return of Sean Macguire.

Javier walked over with two bowls of stew and two whiskeys. He sat on the log next to her and have her smile.

"Here you are, Señorita hermosa," he gave her stew and placed the bottle of whiskey on the floor by her feet.

"Gracias," Annabelle smiled taking small spoonfuls of the stew. They both ate in silence listening to the stories being told around the campfire. Laughter and drunks filled the air. Javier played soft tunes from his guitar, singing songs in Spanish some in English. Like Ring Dang Do. Uncle and Arthur sang along laughing at the dirty song.

Annabelle said her goodbyes and hugging Sean carefully as she tiredly walks to her tent.

She closes the canvas changing into her chemise and climbing into her cot.

She watched Javier's shadow walk past her tent. He stops for a moment then walks on to his tent.

Annabelle sighs closing her eyes falling into a dreamless sleep.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now