Four- Held at gunpoint

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Annabelle and Javier rode back to The heartlands just before they parted ways for Javier to go to Horseshoe Overlook while Annabelle needed to go to Valentine to meet Dutch in the small bar.

Annabelle tethered Patch to the hitching post and walked inside the bar greeting the bartender. Dutch sat with a glass of whisky.

"stick em' up cowboy, " she smirked down at the older man.

"I don't think so cowgirl, " he smiled up at her. They both chuckled, Annabelle, sat down while Dutch called for the bartender to fill their glasses for more whisky.

"John and Arthur should be here soon. Last night they robbed a train got good money. John got a lead today with Arthur so we will see what the two buffoons have done, " Dutch clinked his glass with Annabelle's and took their shot.

Just in time John and Arthur walk-in, both nodding towards their leader and their best shooter.

Arthur and John tell Dutch what they did, herding sheep for 'honest money' only those sheep were stolen.

"Annabelle you go with John to make sure there is no trouble with getting the money, " Annabelle nods and follow John out the bar towards the sheep.

"Herding sheep? Wow. Who knew John Marston would take an interest in herding, " Annabelle chuckled but it soon stopped when cold metal pressed against her back the same with John.

"Stick em' up Cowboy and Cowgirl, " the two outlaws raised their hands, they were pushed back towards the bar.

The strangers pushed John and Annabelle to the mud, a knife to John and a gun at the back of Annabelle's head.

"Van Der Linde! Get out here now! Van Der Linde! You don't know me...but you keep robbing me! My name is Leviticus Cornwall. I am not a man to be messed with by the likes of you! Get out here, before I have these idiots killed! Get out here you...depraved piece of trash! You think I got where I letting scum like you...rob me! Van Der Linde, you're done. Now get out here, now! Deal with this nonsense." Cornwall snapped the reins of his horse and raced off.

Dutch and Arthur stepped out with their hands up watching Cornwall's men. Then in a blink of an eye gin shots whizzed by the two outlaws killing Cornwall's men instantly. Annabelle raced behind cover and shot more of the guards and lawmen joined together.

The four of them ran down main street killing more guards as the Valentine lawmen were all killed. But more from other areas arrived just as quick as they died.

Patch ran towards Annabelle covering her protectivly, Annabelle quickly climbed on covering Arthur, Dutch and John as they raced towards the other horses.

"Arthur you make sure they don't follow. John, Annabelle, let's ride!" Dutch yelled while Arthur held back the lawmen giving time for the three outkaws to make their escape.

Rushing back into camp Dutch jumped down from his horse yelling everyone to pack up immediately.

Javier raced towards Annabelle with a concerned expression.

"Querida, what going on?" he grabbed her arms and pulled her close.

"Cornwall came to Valentine to confront Dutch. We ended up killing a bunch of lawmen and Cornwall's men. And I was also held at gunpoint with John by Cornwall's men too, " Javier's faced scrunched up and his fists tightened muttering something in Spanish.

"I will kill those men. All of them." Arthur arrived just in time and nodded to both Javier and Annabelle.

"A-Annabelle I need to tell you something, " Javier held her hand and they walked away from the camp so they could speak in peace.

"Sure, what's wrong, " She smiled up at the Mexican. His heart thumped loudly the words on the tip of his tongue.

"Nothings wrong. I just-Annabelle I like you a lot. More than I should. When you're not around I crave for you to be. I want to be the one that makes you smile and laugh I want to be your reason for your happiness. I want to wake up beside you while you're at peace and beautiful as ever. I haven't felt like this since...well back in Mexico, " Javier kept his eye contact with Annabelle the while time, his breathing a little ragged.

"Oh Javier!" Annabelle pulled Javier in, embracing his warmth and smell of gunpowder and smoke. Javier pressed his lips against hers.

"The four years I've known you has been amazing. I guess I was scared of losing the great friendship between us, " Javier admits as he looks down at the woman. His hand rested on her cheek his thumb stroking against her soft olive skin.

"I feel the same way about you. I've liked you for two years but I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I know I gave you hints for sure, " Annabelle laughed, leaving her head against his chest.

"I guessed, " he chuckled, moving the hair away from her face.

"Miss Jenson? Where are you?" Ms Grimshaw's voice was heard across the camp, the couple laughed and walked back to camp.

"I'll see you at the new camp then, " he pressed a kiss to her forehead. Annabelle nodded and kissed his cheek making him blush. Annabelle giggled and walked away while Javier's heart pounded loudly, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the camp. Especially Micah.


Clement's Point in the thick and soupy air once again. This brought chills to Annabelle's spine. At least it wasn't the swamps but the air was still stuffy.

They all rode in the camp and started unpacking. Just when Annabelle finished setting up her camp, hands grabbed her waist making her flinch. She spun around with her antler knife against the skin of the person's neck.

"Woah, Mujer cuidadosa, " Javier held his hands up in surrender.

"Jesus Javier, " Annabelle put her antler knife away. She wrapped her arms around him. "Lo siento," she whispered.

"It's fine,"


Hi guys! I just wanted to say that these relationships back in 1899 and a couple of years forward everything happened quick. But also Javier and Annabelle as it was mentioned they've known each other for four years. I hope you're loving it so far! Stay safe. Also #blacklivesmatter I can't imagine how it must feel stepping out of your house and fearing for your life. As a white female, I haven't experienced but I hear you, I see you, I feel you.

Chantelle ✌︎︎

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