Sixteen-Captured in Paradise

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It had been a rough few days with the gang, Angelo Bronte was no more and everyone was questioning Dutch. Annabelle stayed back and hid in the shadows when Dutch had his outburst. Javier had stayed back with Annabelle but he still did his guard duty and went out hunting with Charles. However, Dutch seems to think that he can smell home wherever that is, he doesn't know and wants them all to rob the city bank.

Tomorrow will be the day, the Van Der Linde gang are going to rob Saint Denis' city bank. Annabelle sat with Dutch and Hosea as they discussed what to do and what time to rob the bank. Dutch kept on instigating to rob it in the night but Annabelle and Hosea disagreed immediately.

"Think about this's already a problem in the day but there's only one guard so no biggy. Hosea and Abigail have a distraction- a diversion in place so the police can't find you. This should work," Annabelle pointed to spots on the map and once she finished she looked up at Dutch and Hosea. Hosea smiled and nodded in a thanks for the help.

"You're right. ah, so much for a baby brain you are too smart for me especially when you're both together," Dutch says with a chuckle making the other to smirk down at their leader.

"Every plan is a good plan if we execute it properly. Every problem we had is because we did not... execute...properly. Even Blackwater from my understanding," Hosea pushes Dutch even more to agreeing with his idea. Dutch nods and stands up, "You're right," he pauses looking down at the map one last time before looking up at me and Hosea. "Let's rob this bastard...everyone get some rest, we ride out in the morning. Look smart, travel light."


"You got everything, Arthur?" Dutch asks as Arthur walks out of the manor. As they carry on talking, Annabelle was a mess as she stood beside Javier who was in a suit.

"Mi amor, I will be fine. No need to worry about me," Javier wrapped his arms around her frame and then he leant down placed a small kiss to her growing bump and whispering something in Spanish before looking back up at Annabelle.

"I love you, so please don't die and leave me, be safe my love." Annabelle managed with sobbing, as she pressed her head against his chest listening to his beating heart that was racing just like his thoughts about the possibilities if he did die or while he is gone will she get hurt?  Will Pinkertons come in and take her away from him?

"Come on, Javier! Time to go!" One of the members call out, Javier waves at them before turning around once to face his woman.

"I love you more and I will be back before you know it." he chuckles before kissing her on the lips, as he was about to pull away, Annabelle pulled him back and gave him one last kiss.

"Let's get out of this godforsaken place... and go rob ourselves a bank!" The horses squeal and whinny as they run at full speed behind the wagons and the men and Abigail cheer as they ride. Annabelle sighs as she hugs the bump and watches as they disappear around the corner.

"They'll be back soon," Sadie walks up behind her and pats her shoulder as they walk back in the manor.

Come the evening, the camp grew nervous as no one had returned for awhile but they sat in silence as they ate the stew Pearson made for them. All of the sudden Abigail came running in with one of the shire horses from the wagon.

"Mama!" Jack shouts as he runs towards the woman who jumps down from the horse. She is quick to open her arms and welcome him into her arms.

"Where are the others?" Abigail asks but the camp just shrug and they all became worried. "I managed to get out but they grabbed Hosea and I don't know if he is alive or...dead" they gasp and Annabelle started to panic but she covered it up making a coffee for Abigail and giving it to her.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now