Epilogue Three

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"Pa! I'm home! I got the the things you told me to get! It wasn't a short journey I tell you," Isabelle spoke a she walked through the house they had brought in Mexico.

However the house seemed too quiet and dark. Isabelle turned the light on and gasped as she saw John sat in the chair with a blank face.

"John? Where is my father?" Isabelle asked as she placed the food down on the table.

"Your father is going on the gallows tonight to be killed," John spoke with no emotion.

"Well I didn't think he was going to dance on the gallows...why? And don't tell me because of his past? You are stupid thinking that you aren't going to be next. Because you will be! They are the government," Isabelle yelled at the man.

"I'm doing this to protect mine," John spat.

"What about my family, John? You're going to leave me to an orphan?" Isabelle questioned as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"If you want any last words you know where to find him," John said and then left the building. Isabelle screamed and fell to the floor and cried into her hands as her heart shattered into a million pieces.


She had never ran so fast in her life to the gallows, and there he was standing with a noose around his neck as he looked out in the crowd.

"No!" Isabelle screamed as she ran forward but the law pulled her back keeping her hold. "Pa! I love you," Javier looked over and smiled sadly and mouthed I love you he looked right into her eyes until the wood fell open and his lifeless eyes still bore into hers.

Isabelle couldn't cry nor scream. All she could do was fall to the ground and hit the mud repeatedly. Her jaw clenched tightly as one name ran through her mind.

John Marston.


"John Marston finally dead at his own home and Uncle," Isabelle read as she walked along the roads of Blackwater of her old home was located. She scoffed and threw the paper in the bin and chewed her candy in peace.

"Told you so," Isabelle sighed to herself and climbed up on Storm and spurred her into a gallop out of Blackwater.

"Hello Ma," Isabelle spoke to the grave as she sat cross legged in front of the grave and sorted out the flowers. "Hope you're okay up there now Pa is with you. I also hope John is in hell, he got Pa killed!" Isabelle sobbed. "But look what I have." Isabelle placed the guitar against the headstone and strummed her fingers against the strings. They softly cried to her and the tears continued to fall as she stared into the setting sun.


"Abigail Marston died of unknown cause...now you know how it feels Jack Marston,"

Isabelle walked down the trail towards the river to sit and calm her mind but she heard hushed voices in the distance.

"You knew my father," but Isabelle decided to ignore it until she heard a gunshot.

"What in the hell?" Isabelle quickly stood up and ran towards the gunshot with her rifle in hand, locked and loaded.

"Jack?" Isabelle asked in disbelief as she saw Jack pointing his gun at Edgar Ross. She remembered him from the gallows when her father died.

"You're father killed mine," Isabelle growled, Jack turned around and pointed his gun at Isabelle.

"To help us! Now put the gun down,"

"No. He was selfish. He didn't care about me or my family. So put your gun down," Isabelle said calmly but her gun was still pointing at Jack's heart.



"I'm home!" Isabelle hung up her coat as she walked through the house to find Jack sat on a rocking chair asleep with Arthur in his arms.

"Good lord. Men work so hard," she rolled her eyes and chuckled before taking Arthur from Jack's arms.

Arthur stirred but snuggled closer to his mother. She walked into Arthur's bedroom and laid him down in his cot that was beside Annabelle his twin sister.

Isabelle smiled softly before walking out their room and down back in the living room where Jack was waking up.

"Good evening," Isabelle smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck loosely from behind.

"Good evening, my love,"

The End

This is officially the end. Thank you for reading.

Have a good day/night.

All the love,
Chan ♡︎

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