Fourteen-A Fine Night of Debauchery

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"Annabelle! It really is you!" Javier ran from Boaz towards the small camp. Annabelle stood to her feet and wrapped her arms around his neck. Javier picked her up and spun her around making Annabelle giggle. Samantha lets out a cough and stands up walking towards the couple.

"I guess I'll see you around, Jenson " Samantha tips her hat towards them both.

Javier nods before looking down at Annabelle and smiling wide. He leant down and pressed his lips against hers.

"Oh, I missed you, you silly Mexican. I love you, " Javier chuckles and his cheeks going red.

"I love you more, but let's go home, " he grabs her hands and helps her on the back of Boaz who whinnied in delight at the sight of Annabelle. Annabelle whistled for Ennis to follow to which he huffed out a snort but still followed.

Annabelle rested her head on Javier's back and wrapped her arms around his waist. She looked up at the starry night and smiled at stars that winked down at her. Maybe it was her mother, father or husband. At the thought of Elliot, she hugged Javier tighter scared that she would lose him too.


When Annabelle woke up she was left alone in the bed. They were home. Pulling back the flap of the tent the camp was filled with chatter and laughter of the people she knew and loved rather than the dogs of the O'Driscolls.

Quickly rushing back in she changed into a different outfit and wore something similar to Abigail.

Just as she put the belt on another kick from the baby hit her insides.  The kicks weren't rough but they were definitely there. Considering two weeks had now passed this was the right moment for the baby to start kicking.

Annabelle rests her hand on her swollen belly and then another thud and tap from the inside, she smiled widely at the feeling and just on time Javier walked in.

"Javier, the baby...the baby it's kicking, " Annabelle grabbed Javier's hand and placed it where the kicks were coming from. Javier lets out a shaky breath at the feeling and smiled up at Annabelle.

"That's our baby, Javi, " she grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

"Good Morning, lovebirds, " Dutch cleared his throat and Arthur stood beside him with a small smile looking towards the couple.

"Arthur. Dutch, " Annabelle greeted before kissing Javier on the cheek.

"ah, she's a wild one, " Javier said to the men after Annabelle left. Dutch chuckled while Arthur looked back at Annabelle.

"I need you boys to head to Saint Denis, Arthur you're meeting Josiah at the Tailors and Javier meet Strauss by The Grand Korrigan where Arthur and Trelawny will meet you there. Make sure you boys dress proper, " Dutch says as he lights a cigar.

The woman sat from afar as she watched Javier leave with Strauss and Josiah towards Saint Denis. The camp was calm and collected ever since Jack came back. It seems the O'Driscolls have finally backed off. For now. Annabelle's rifle was sat beside her locked and loaded and ready to shoot anyone who tried to be brave.


Annabelle's hormones were heightened to the point where she could slap Reverend sober again, but Charles had been able to tame the pregnant woman and sit her in the manor. However, anger wasn't the only thing that was on the top of the her list. Sexual frustration was just below that but 'coming' in hot.

The sun was just setting, the sky full of oranges, yellows, pinks and reds and the air became less thick and more cold, though if you stood in the sun long enough you felt warm. Stars winked down to earth, but Annabelle was pacing back and fourth in her and Javier's room. She stared at the window where you could see the Lannahechee River meet with Lemoyne and the State of New Hanover. Stood in only her chemise she hugged her chest and hummed softly, swaying to the soft hums of Dutch's gramophone next door. This longing moment didn't last long as the sound of gun shots and explosions from the boat emitted and the smoke swirled in the air. Whistles, screamed from police, Annabelle's heart was racing as she watched the scene unravel before her in the river.

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