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He's the therapist of the group, but then spills his problems to Giorno.

Based on his stand, Mista can be kinda greedy. He also generally loves food.

He knows how to skateboard


Narancia told him that he saw Giorno supposedly give the golden succ (or maybe he did you never know) and Mista said that he did actually got the succ 😭

He lip bites

He wears skinny jeans and leggings

He fake moans when you're on call

He had a Minions phase. Don't ask why he just did

He has really long nails. He doesn't cut them and they're really dirty

He painted his nails with Trish. It was very cool

His favorite fruit is bananas, and he opens it in half

He can only make pizza

He crashed the car once and the driving privileges were turned to Fugo now

Speaking of cars, Mista honks the horn multiple times

He brags about chest hair and other hairs on his.. other parts

The person in the friend group who invited the group for a sleepover

He doesn't like cats. He's more of a dog person

Mista falls for DEEZ NUTS jokes. But then he'll let the legacy continue and use the same joke on Giorno

Wouldn't help with arguments- he would be like "ok guys let's all make up! we can go to the libeccio and eat some pizza, what about that?"

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