Taste of Music

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What I think the jjba character's type of music are, and what music they'd listen to

Jonathan likes classical as well as those lo-fi tunes. He finds it calm, and he also likes playing classical music on the piano.

Joseph probably listens to rap, as well as some old yet upbeat music. He rarely listens to songs that has sappy lyrics

Jotaro is into anything with acoustic guitars. Oftentimes he listens to rock. Bitch will also vibe to My Chemical Romance. He'll also listen to children theme songs like Spongebob lmao

Josuke is like his dad, and def listens to rap. He's also into old things as well, like Elvis and Prince. He also vibes to the Spongebob intro like Jotaro.

Giorno is into Prince as well. He'll also put some fruity song for the gang if he ever gets the chance (Abbacchio won't let him) he also likes classical, because it's fun to play it on the piano.

Jolyne is into rap. Since she's pretty much in the 2010s era, I feel like it's reasonable she'll listen to maybe Party Rock Anthem or Nicki Minaj

Speedwagon likes rock. He can also hit high notes accidentally (just wanted to put that there lol) But, he knows that Jonathan isn't really into that so he vibes whatever he's vibing to :) he respects Jonathan's taste

Caesar is the exact opposite of Joseph. He's into sappy old songs, like "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" he'll put this on for fun, plus set the mood for dates he goes on with the ladies

Kakyoin is canonically a gamer, and I also head canon he watches anime. So, I think he doesn't have a taste but instead listens to anime ops plus the Minecraft theme and Friday Night Funkin songs

Polnareff is into the 80s. I also think he'd be into ABBA.

Dio thinks music is overrated. He'll accept classical and that's it.

Okuyasu is also into rap, plus some Friday Night Funkin songs

Bucciarati is into classical as well. Abbacchio also likes it cause Bruno likes it.

Poor Foo Fighters doesn't even know what music is- she heard about some band called Foo Fighters and she found it cool that it had the same name as her, so she would listen to it

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