Birthday Special

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By the time I'm making this, it's my birthday :))) so I figured why not make a birthday chapter

jjba characters and what they would do if it was their birthday

Jonathan tries to think of it as a normal day, and he gets flustered and embarrassed when everybody's doing stuff for him

Joseph thinks he has birthday privilege-
"Caesar, make me a sandwich!"
"No make it yourself."
"Buut.. it's my birthdaaaay."
"Ok and?"
Also found about the presents and he tries to act excited whenever he opens it

Jotaro just dreads this day. It's gonna be any normal day but with more chaos. MANY MANY girls wishing him a good birthday, and if the crusaders were here... oh god

Josuke is definitely happy about this. He's getting praised a lot, and he doesn't mind it. He also let Okuyasu blow out his birthday cake with him for some reason- many gifts full of hair spray.

Giorno thinks it's a normal day, he wasn't that big on birthdays since his parents never really celebrated it. He was real confused to see the gang all giving him presents and such

Speedwagon is so honored 😩 he has some many thank you's to say. Also he gave many many gifts when it was Jonathan's birthday

Caesar is kinda shy about it actually. He won't make a big deal about it, but would obviously thank you. He only uses the birthday privilege if it's Joseph

Kakyoin is also not big on birthdays. People didn't come at his party, so he only had Hierophant. He'll also nonchalantly say it.
"Morning, Mr. Joestar."
"Oh hey, Kakyoin."
"So it's my birthday."

Old Joseph doesn't make a big deal about it his birthdays, but would care for others.

Okuyasu is REAL HAPPY. He does a lil dance in the morning, but would not expect a cake. He probably didn't get presents for a while, and was real happy to open em that he snooped.

Bucciarati also nonchalantly says it. He got a fishing rod as a present from the gang and he loved it :)

Dio doesn't do birthdays. He's not the type to say "another day closer to death" cause he's cocky and a fucking vampire. But he'll say that to you tho-

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