Movies :))

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Jjba characters at a movie. Trying to add more characters.

Jonathan unfortunately fell asleep. He tried not to, and also didn't understand the damn movie lmao

Joseph was busy shitting in the bathroom. He finished all his popcorn before the movie started and unfortunately it didn't sit well

Jotaro wasn't paying attention- he was busy eating candy or somethin and stole a lil from Josuke. He also asks people wtf is going on in this movie.
"Who the hell is that character?"

Josuke was whispering and snickering to Okuyasu. He tried to record the whole movie with a camera or phone and it failed horribly

Giorno is intrigued with the movie like the good man he is, but would throw his popcorn when he gets scared

Speedwagon was trying to wake up Jonathan to watch the movie. He was skeptical to do it tho-

Caesar kept making unnecessary comments during the whole thing. He tried to keep quiet but it just slips out.
"What an idiot! She just tripped and didn't get up! Now they're gonna kill her!"

Okuyasu already watched the movie and accidentally gave spoilers to anyone near him. Also a lot of popcorn flicking.

Bucciarati was watching.. kinda. He wasn't paying attention cause a family behind him couldn't stop making noise, plus a couple next to him doing.. stuff. He had to say something

AC/DC was very much intrigued. He reacted at all the moments. A lot of crying, plus vomiting in his popcorn bucket-

Abbacchio was snoring hella loud. He doesn't care, he was dragged into this. He accidentally kicked some seats as well. He was in the back of the theater, hella bored so he jerked off

Narancia was in his own lil world with his headphones in. He looked at the big screen for a bit but he didn't really understand the concept of it

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