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He got a pair of galaxy leggings to match with Josuke

He knows how to do hair, he got taught by Keicho and his Polnareff looking ass

He took an English class and got a D, at least he put effort lmao

He makes DEEZ NUTS jokes and Koichi falls for it every damn time

He lives for baggy clothes and oversized tee shirts. I feel like he would wear something like this

 I feel like he would wear something like this

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He also likes wearing turtle necks with chains.

istg he always suggests to go to Disney land or something.

He's a cat person. Well kinda- he accepts that fricking stray cat plant thing

I feel like he can be insecure about his scars sometimes. He sees Josuke getting popularity from the girls as he sits there just supporting his buddy :((

He's okay at video games. He's not good and not bad. He definitely cheers Josuke on

Good coordination. He can catch stuff on his left hand like real good. Right hand's slow

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