Pick Up Lines

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Pretty much what pick up lines the characters would do

Jonathan is more of straight forward compliments. Like "you're very pretty" and it's always so sweet

Joseph does so many bad and cheesy pick up lines it's so good. It'll make you blush of embarrassment. Second hand embarrassment. He would do those lines that go "are you Starbucks? cause I like you a latte"

Jotaro doesn't do that. He'll just.. idk what he'll do. He can send flowers tho!

Josuke has the genes of Joseph. He makes dorky pick up lines and he can mess them up. He also got bad pick up lines from Okuyasu. Josuke also came to Koichi for pick up line advice lmao

Giorno is also like Jonathan, and more with the straight forward compliments. But, he'll do common pick up lines like "My mom told me to follow my dreams." He's so behind pick up lines that he doesn't get when people tell him one. Like it would go-

Giorno: Why are you following me, A?
A: Because my mom told me to follow my dreams.
Giorno: Oh, so you want to stop drugs as well?
A: No.. you're my dream
Giorno: Oh wow, that's a cool pick up line I guess.
*moments later when he's talking to person B*
B: Giorno, why are you following me?
Giorno: Because my mom told me to follow my dreams.
B: Didn't your mother leave you as a child?

Jolyne kinky af and makes very dirty lines. "I had a wet dream of you last night, wanna make it a reality?" or something

Speedwagon rarely makes pick up jokes. He's more of a flower giving person and not that good with compliments.

Caesar is a MASTER. Some deep ass thought that's just really caring. "When you are removing the necklace to go to sleep, please think of me. And we shall be together in your dreams" LITERALLY THAT WAS IN THE SHOW

Polnareff is a mixture of cheesy and common pick up lines and his own. He
has great ones, like "Are you a bank loan? Cause you got my interest" but then he sadly gets turned down

Okuyasu has those bad pick up lines and very cheesy, yet Josuke asks for advice for that. "Are you from Tennessee, cause you're the only ten I see!" but then he pronounces Tennessee wrong

Koichi had to learn pick up lines in Yukako's orders. Poor guy.

Mista makes dirty ones as well. And he really likes complimenting your looks. "Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?"

Anasui uses pick up lines that Weather used and they're hella bad. They were only for Jolyne tho.

Dio has degrading lines. He'll make degradation lines while he's fucking you, as well as before he kills you. It would go like-
A: Dio, how big is your love for me?
Dio: Look at the stars, madam. That's how much my love is for you
A: Dio, it's morning.
Dio: Exactly *fucking kills*

Kars doesn't do pick up lines. Just no.

Kira has good pick up lines but he doesn't use them. If we don't count the hands. It's more of a praise kink

Diavolo used no pick up lines. None. If he did, it was probably Doppio. He said one cheesy pick up line and he was like "yeah that's it."

Doppio probably said "You know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material"

Pucci probably made religious lines. "Now I see why Solomon had 700 wives, he never met you." He's also more of a straight forward compliment guy.

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