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Jonathan hugs a pillow and sleeps sideways. But if someone was cuddling with him, he prefers being the spoon.

Joseph is fucking chaotic. He sleeps with no blanket and moves a lot. When he takes a nap, he puts his hands behind his head.

Jotaro is a monster. How? He sleeps stiff as hell. But that's when he was 17. After the events of part 3, he became sleep deprived cause of PTSD-

Like father, like son. Josuke puts his hand behind head. He doesn't move, since he doesn't wanna ruin his hair. He also hugs a pillow.

Giorno is a peaceful sleeper and is tucked in like a baby. He has sleeping masks and can sleep real well.

Jolyne inherited her great grandfather's chaos in bed (NOT LIKE BED IN SEGGS) she moves a lot, and also can be woken pretty easily.

Speedwagon loves hugging. He hugs many pillows, and sleeps like a goddamn vampire sleeping in a coffin.

Caesar chaotic as well. His bed is filled with pillows surrounding him. He also puts the blanket over his head.

Kakyoin spends most of his time gaming and drawing, and sleeps around like 3. His mind is filled with deep thoughts and secrets when going to sleep. He sleeps peacefully with him hugging Hierophant Green. After the stand baby, he felt skeptical to sleep-

Okuyasu had a weird position to sleep. His body is spread out everywhere, and moves a lot. He also drools 😭 but he also sleeps like a baby.

Bucciarati sleeps with one eye open. He's still aware there might be enemies. But, if everything's peaceful, he has a restful sleep with a sleeping mask over his eyes.

Foo Fighters doesn't sleep- she's up drinking water and also doesn't know how to sleep anyway lmao

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