incorrect quotes

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Incorrect quotes I found on tumblr

Mista: is there a word that's a mix between sad and angry?
Fugo: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated..
Narancia: Smad
Fugo: *grabs fork* CMERE YOU LIL-

Avdol: every time an artist dies, god let's them paint the sky
Kakyoin: damn, can't wait for my turn, I'm gonna paint dicks!

officer: I'm pulling you over because you're trying to fit three people on a motorcycle
Mista, with Fugo and Giorno behind him: wait three?!
Officer: yes, you and you two-
Mista: oh my fucking god narancia fell off

Caesar: *showering*
Joseph: *opens shower curtain*
Joseph: Are we- stop screaming- are we still getting breakfast?

Okuyasu: *struggling with a can*
Koichi: You need help with that?
Okuyasu: Yeah, actually. *hands Koichi the can*
Koichi: *sighs and takes pringles out of pringles can*
Okuyasu: Bless your little hands

Narancia: We're going to fill Giorno's room with rubber ducks
Abbacchio: No you're not.
Fugo: Cmon youre no fun
Abbacchio: You're going to fill his room with REAL ducks.

Avdol: Do I look nice?
Jotaro: You look like you're about to set someone on fire
Avdol: Perfect.

Jonathan: I cant feel my leg
Dio: ... *stabs leg*
Jonathan: OW- *screaming in pain* WHY DID YOU DO THAT?

Koichi: When I was your age-
Giorno: When I was your height.
Koichi: ...
Koichi: *storms off*
Koichi, coming back with a stool: Listen-

Jolyne: You have to stop breaking into my house.
Anasui: I wouldn't have to, if you'd just give me the key

Koichi: When you fall in love, your fears change
Josuke: You're afraid something will happen to Yukako?
Koichi: Nono, you don't understand. I am afraid of Yukako.

Speedwagon: This maze looks kinda dangerous. We should hold hands
Baron, pushing a shopping cart: We're in a damn Walmart

Illuso: What time is it?
Melone: I dunno, pass me the saxophone and I'll find out
Melone: *blows sax very loudly*
Melone: it's 2 am

Polnareff: I had a dream I was arrested for tax evasion, which is weird cause I don't pay taxes
Avdol: Thats.. what tax evasion is

Suzi: Cmon, Caesar! Joseph would throw himself in front of a moving car for you!
Caesar: Jojo would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun.

Jotaro: Polnareff hasn't been staring thru the window ever since the storm started.
Kakyoin: Should we let him in?

Narancia: We can't go in there, it says "18+" and there's only two of us!
Fugo: You idiot.
Fugo: We just bring more people

Fugo: We should get married
Narancia: *chokes on drink*
Fugo: For tax benefits.

Trish: I may not be perfect, but at least I don't wear socks with sandals
Trish: *glares at Narancia*

Anasui: *whispering to lawyer*
Lawyer: That's not relevant to the case
Anasui: Just ask
Lawyer, to the judge: *sighs* Do you think he's hot?

Jotaro: You spent $68 dollars on hair a conditioner?
Josuke: A small price to pay for self esteem.

Jotaro: Did none of you, think this was a bad idea?!
Jolyne: Oh no we all did. We just decided to do it anyway

Polnareff: Any advice for being single on Valentines Day?
Kakyoin: Whenever you see a couple laughing, kissing, hugging, walk up to one of em saying "YOU CHEATER! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" then slap them and run away crying. That should be interesting
Polnareff; This is why you're my best friend

Bucciarati: Narancia, for the last time when someone threatens to kill you, the correct response is "do it pussy"

Polnareff: We should appreciate all small things in life
Polnareff, picking up Kakyoin: I appreciate you.
Kakyoin, pissed: I get it! I'm short! Now put me down or I'll crush your organs!

Dio: You're giving me a sticker
Jonathan: Not just any sticker, a sticker of a kitty cat saying "me-ow!"
Dio: I'm not a child
Jonathan: Fine I'll just take it back-
Dio: I earned this. Fuck off.

Jolyne: You're grounding me cause I'm the stronger sibling?
Kakyoin: No, I'm grounding you cause you performed a FLYING SKULL CRUSHER ON YOUR BROTHER
Jouta, in agony: MY SPLEEN

Waiter: Do you want something to eat
Diavolo: the souls of innocents
Doppio with a napkin acting like it's a phone: a bagel
Diavolo: NO
Doppio: two bagels

Josuke: I can do anything I want, and no one can stop me!
Jotaro: *pulls out phone and starts texting*
Josuke: Uh, Jotaro.. who are you texting?!
Tomoko, running into the room: JOSUKE!
Josuke: I'm so dead

Kakyoin: hey, jotaro could you help me with this?
Jotaro: no. ask Star Platinum.
Star: Ora.
Kakyoin: You're a genius.

Mikitaka: Who here owns testicles?

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