Passione Headcanons

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Melone is a good father.

Mista and Narancia will make songs together in the car

Risotto is a cat person

Formaggio tries to help Pesci get some girls

Ghiaccio freezes his body a bit to cool down from his temper

Bucciarati wears one glove. He listens to Michael Jackson

Fugo and Ghiaccio are part of the "anger management" club

Mista feeds birds even if it says "do not feed the birds" he will never feed the 4th bird that lands.

Narancia explains and summarizes stuff like a child. "Yeah the movie was all like- and then he did that and, and, and then, then it went PWOOOOO and stuff. Yeah yeah-"

Doppio has frog pins

Doppio is in charge of cutting his and Diavolo's clothes

Giorno deals with Mista's bs whenever he shoots himself in the balls

Abbacchio gives black roses to Bucciarati.

Cioccolata and Secco put up porn

Cioccolata likes science. He thinks Frankenstein is real-

Pesci can be carsick

Sorbet and Gelato gets weird looks from La Squadra when they make out constantly, and all they say is "yeah we gay keep scrolling" even tho it's real life

Tiziano is horny as fuck and always suggests seggs

Risotto had an emo phase. Full on one eye hidden with hair, and listens to rock music.

Abbacchio can jack off without making any noise

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