Villain Household pt 2

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I don't have any ideas at the moment, so ig a sequel of the household of villains. As I said before I won't be including minor antagonists or AC/DC, Wamuu, or Santana.

Kars was put it in the attic.

Dio keeps sucking Kira's hand girlfriends cause for some reason they're still moist.

Diavolo would burn the house down

Kars probably brought his Pillar friends to play Uno in the attic with him and there was a lot of noise-

Dio jacks off a lot... cum's everywhere.

Kira shares a cup of coffee with Pucci, only to hear his advice. (He only likes Pucci for that, but will continue his hatred for the hands in the jar)

The villains keep mistaking White Snake's discs as DVDs for movies

There's a lot of time manipulation in this house. Dio stops time to practice his skills, Diavolo skipping time cause wants to damn day over with, and Kira rarely uses Bites The Dust.

If Pucci ain't here, then the whole house is in crisis. None of the villains can cook except Kira, but they all criticize him too much. They order take out-

Dio tried to get some clothes for Kars cause he "pities him" but all the sizes can't fit.

Doppio keeps cutting one hole in everyone's shirt.

Every time Doppio gets a call, he always grabs one of Kira's hand girlfriends

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