Joestar Household

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Not really headcanons, it's more of the Joestars in one house and what they would do.

Jonathan is obviously the one keeping this family under control. He'll cook, clean, etc with some help from the others.

Joseph is never allowed in the kitchen. Hell no

Jolyne probably suffered the most in this house since she's a girl with a bunch of buff men- imagine her if she got her first period

Unsurprisingly, the household is chaotic

Joseph is an idiot and keeps hurting himself. He goes to Josuke a lot and excuses it for "father son bonding" even tho he's missing an arm or some shit

Giorno is that one sibling who's the least chaotic and more sane and always says "thank you" first, making the others feel under and they have to say thank you as well (I hope I explained that correctly-)

Jolyne got lesbian magazines from Joseph and Jonathan- Jonathan was just following along Joseph

Jotaro would stay in his room a lot.

Giorno takes care of the garden, with some help from Jonathan. Jonathan always considers to actually do the work and make plants instead of Giorno using Golden Experience

Giorno would also hurt himself a lot and would make an excuse like "don't worry guys I have Golden Experience"

Jotaro and Jolyne fight a lot

There's times when Jonathan would snap. The whole house would go quiet for a week.

Jotaro is mostly in charge of shopping with Josuke, because they don't trust Jotaro alone.

Josuke invites Okuyasu a lot, and Jolyne invites Hermès. Joseph is convinced they're all gay and secretly making out

Joseph and Jolyne are cool buds, but at the same time they would fight a lot as well. Most of the time it's Jotaro, Joseph, and Jolyne bickering.

Giorno is like the quiet middle child and no one pays attention sadly- except Jonathan, he'll always make you feel included <3

Dio lives fucking outside in a box. He's not allowed in the house, but he secretly breaks in when the whole family is out. Jonathan is sympathetic and gives that immortal idiot food outside

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