Josuke and Yukako Higashikata

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I really like the AU where Josuke and Yukako are siblings. This is not a headcanon chapter but instead a one shot :) I don't mind criticism

I think the siblings would be chaotic and have some arguments- here's how it would go..


September 17, 1999
6:45 A.M

"Josuke, open the door right now!"

Josuke was taking his time in the bathroom quickly brushing his awesome pompadour. His mom was yelling on the other side of the door, so he was slightly panicking that she might beat his guts if he kept stalling the room any longer. "Just gimme a sec, Mom!" he yelled as he put some more gel.

Tomoko kept banging on the door, when Yukako came in stomping to her way to the bathroom door. "Mom, is he out yet?!" she asked as she glared at the door.

The attractive milf looked at her daughter quickly saying, "he's not," and then turned her head back to the door, "but he better!"

"Damnit.." Yukako had thought of a way to bust through the door. Her hairs now went up, spreading it like it was puddy being stretched as one long strand of hair went underneath the crack of the door, and now holding the door knob from the inside of the bathroom.

Josuke noticed quickly, as he was pondering why he could only hear Tomoko's banging and not some in distinct sounds coming from his sister.

Before the pompadour-ed boy could even put his hands on the hair filled door knob, it now opened. The brown door quickly fell down like a wall, and there appeared a very angry Tomoko and a smug Yukako.

Josuke glared at his Rapunzel like sister, and now quickly said, "Cmon man, no fair you used Love Deluxe!"

Yukako countered back in the argument. "You've broke so many things and put them back together with Crazy Diamond all the time! How come I can't use Love Deluxe in this house?!"

Tomoko was bewildered about their talk with this "Crazy Ruby" or "Love".. something, she can't remember. She got a headache from the bickering and now was assuming they were just fighting over the bathroom.

"Alright stop bickering about the bathroom! You both use it!" Tomoko exclaimed, very fed up. The two siblings were speechless from the sudden burst of the one who gave birth to them, and decided to shut the hell up.

They both turned to the sink, deciding to comb their hair. The two siblings both touched the same hair brush and glared at each other.

7:45 A.M

"OII, JOSUKE!" a certain scarred man was waving his hand across the street. Josuke grinned, excited to hang out with his buddy another day. A very short boy was next to the scarred man, who also a very great friend of Josuke as well.

"Yo, Okuyasu, yo Koi-" he was interrupted by a sudden bump on shoulder and hearing the usual voice of his definition chaos. "Koichi!" Yukako was the owner of the voice as she waved and ran to her beloved boyfriend.

Josuke put his hands in his pockets now kinda moody, as he followed Yukako's steps to Koichi and Okuyasu. When they all met, the couple decided to go ahead leaving Okuyasu and Josuke walking behind them 3 meters away.

"Damn man, must suck to live with that demon," Okuyasu whispered in his best friend's ear. Josuke looked at Okuyasu, then at the backside of Yukako. "That's the truth, dude," he responded back.

Okuyasu then trickled back and whispered again chuckling, "Must be keeping a Koichi shrine." Josuke slightly laughed at that. Apparently Yukako slightly heard that, and now turned her front to the two idiots.

"What did you just say?!"

"No, nothing nothing at all!"

"Ah, Yukako don't use your Stand on Josuke and Okuyasu!"

3:00 P.M

"Bye, Yukako!" Koichi waved as he walked away from his girlfriend, also waving to Josuke. "Cya, Josuke!"

Yukako sighed dreamily and waved back, also giving flying kisses. "He's so cute, don't you think?" she said, striking up a conversation with her brother.

Josuke was mindlessly thinking when he came back to hear Yukako's response. He thought deeply about this statement. If he said Koichi wasn't cute he'd probably be dead. So, the conclusion came as he said "Yeah, he's cute."

Yukako's eyes snapped at Josuke, with an angry glare. "Are you saying you like Koichi?!" her hands were now in a fist. The teenage boy was now freaking out, only his suitcase to protect him. "No no! I don't think he's cute!" was all he could respond.

"Oh so now you think he's ugly?!"

"When the hell did I say that?!"


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