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I'm pretty sure Abbacchio kins Jade West from Victorious. Something about them hating the main character who's pretty, also being a little nice to the more childish character and the mother of the group. (Of course the mother is Bucciarati and for Victorious, I'd say it's Beck. I also find Narancia kinda childish but just a little because of his dumbass brain who said that 28 equals 16x55.)

(y/n moment lol)
He gets horny time to time and he used to Moody Blues to replay a moment where him and y/n we're having seggs and pretty much gets free porn 💀

It's on a daily basis he gives Giorno the middle finger

He can show mercy on Narancia

He's a simp for Bucciarati.
"I feel at ease when I'm with you, Bucciarati."

He's an absolute boss at poker and arm wrestling

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He's an absolute boss at poker and arm wrestling

He rages at video games, he leaves the room and screams in his pillow-

He's a good listener and wouldn't interrupt you. But if you were talking some dumb shit he would tune out and listen to music-

He doesn't mind any genre of music. He mostly likes classical and rock. He also does not accept any music coming from Giorno.

It's all clear that Abbacchio probably supports Giorno slander lmao

Not really a dad, more of a drunk aunt

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