random pt 2

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as last time, there is no point to this chapter. just some stuff jumbled up and can't put it into one topic

Jonathan doesn't know how to remove caps lock. And it makes people think he's really aggressive plus his meat truck body, even tho he's a sweet gentleman. "HELLO, HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY"

Jotaro will always stick up the middle finger in selfies

Kakyoin is a sticky iPad kid

Rohan reads Harry Potter

Jotaro has a praise kink.

Dio kins the Big Bad Wolf

Mista drinks sweat 😕

Josuke had a Zumba class with Rohan, and Rohan kept flexing that he can dance better

Okuyasu is left handed

Koichi watches the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Foo Fighters will never wear a dress. She thinks it's uncomfortable

Narancia once digested one of Mista's bullets accidentally

The bullets like to ride on Aerosmith. Number 5 keeps getting pushed off :((

Avdol is on the cooking side of TikTok

Polnareff hovers over a public toilet seat if he's pooping

Star Platinum is more of the emotional side of Jotaro since he doesn't really show his emotions. Star can be sensitive as well-

Yukako's hair is tangled.

Okuyasu always shops at thrift stores cause he says there's always a chance there might be Gucci there but cheaper

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