Harry Potter AU

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So I'm rereading Harry Potter atm so..
What Houses I think the jjba characters would be in <33
I'll probably do a part 2 if I want, maybe Quidditch stuff

Lemme clear some stuff up for people who don't read HP, I'm gonna explain the Houses in order for you to understand this
Gryffindor: Brave at heart, very daring, and chivalrous
Hufflepuff: Very loyal, can work well with others. They also won't back down from toil
Slytherin: Very cunning and ambitious, and would do any means to achieve their goals
Ravenclaw: Very smart and clever, just genuinely wise. Also has a lot of wit

Think of it like a personality test ig

Jonathan is definitely a Hufflepuff in my opinion. He's a true gentleman and always has a great relationship with others he met (even Dio, I'm only counting the rugby scene) He's also a 7th year, plus head boy.

Speedwagon is also a Hufflepuff, and it's mainly because he would help others. Also a 7th year

Baron Zeppelin is a Slytherin. He's very ambitious, and would do anything to achieve his goal for the Stone Mask. I think he would be a teacher actually, training Defense Against the Dark Arts

Joseph is a Gryffindor- he doesn't really work well with others (he can fight with Caesar) but is hella brave. He's also a 7th year

Caesar is a Slytherin as well, ig it's a Slytherin family. He's also ambitious as well, and cunning. Slytherins are also clever, and we all know Caesar is smart af (7th year)

Kars is also a Slytherin, it's very clear why. There's also the fact that many of the villains from HP were a Slytherin. Very ambitious and would do anything to achieve his goal. He got expelled lmao

Jotaro is a Ravenclaw. He has a mental wit, meaning he's got sharpness plus high intelligence. Also a 6th year

Kakyoin is also a Ravenclaw joining Jotaro, 6th year as well. I don't have much to say, he's just smart as well

Polnareff is a 7th year in Gryffindor. He's brave af (just look at all those stand battles he's in) and has alot of chivalry, and a lot of courage

Avdol is a Hufflepuff in 7th year. He works well with others, and also he would be in Herbology, pretty much studying magic plants

Dio counts as part 1 and 3. Anyway- clearly a Slytherin. He's gonna do anything to achieve his goal, and ambitious as well. He meets all the needs to be a Slytherin. He's also a head boy, plus a 7th year

Josuke's a Gryffindor. He has the bravery and chivalry, also daring

Okuyasu would also be joining Josuke, because I didn't really see him in the other Houses. All I have to say is that he's brave

Koichi would be in Gryffindor too. He possesses chivalry, and would also help the weak. Also, Koichi, Josuke, and Okuyasu are all in 6th year. Forgot to mention Koichi is a prefect

Rohan is a Slytherin in 7th year. He's ambitious about his manga so it can be read, and would do anything to achieve that.

Yukako is a Slytherin in 6th year. She's ambitious about Koichi, and would DO ANYTHING FOR HIM.

Kira is a 7th year in Ravenclaw. He definitely has wit and the sharpness (ig that's how he went on a murder spree for 15 years without getting caught-) he's not head boy or prefect, it would make him stand out

Giorno is a Slytherin in 5th year.He's ambitious to achieve his dream, also cunning as well. He doesn't work well with others, and can only work with a few. He can speak Parseltounge, meaning he can speak to snakes, as well as a prefect. He's also a Slytherin cause of the Dio genes-

Bucciarati is a 7th year head boy in Gryffindor. Definitely possesses being chivalrous and brave.

Mista is also a Gryffindor in 7th year, and it's mostly cause of being brave and shit-

Abbacchio is a 7th year Ravenclaw being a Headboy. He has the smarts and cleverness, as well as the wits.

Fugo joins Abbacchio as well, but he's a 6th year prefect. All I gotta say is that he's smart-

Trish is a 5th year Hufflepuff who's a prefect. I think she can work well with others, that's all I have.

Narancia is a 6th year Hufflepuff. He's fun to work with (excluding anything academic cause he sucks at that) I think he would also at least try on stuff- meaning he's not afraid of toil

Doppio is a 7th year Hufflepuff. Without the Diavolo shit he's brave and can work with others.

Diavolo's a Slytherin. Do I have to explain?

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