Joestar Vacation Pt 2

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Yes, part 2. Okay so what I'm planning for this is that the vacation will be 3 days, plus another day of packing again :)

Jonathan was the tour guide, since he mostly grew up in England. Except that everything changed, so he could only name some of the places-

Joseph for some reason was excited to go on a subway- he also wants to drink a lot of tea

Jotaro just wanted to stay in the motel. He's mentally drained, and Josuke had to force him to get up

Josuke wanted to see the Big Ben, and brought Jotaro with him. Jotaro saw it, got flashbacks, and sobbed inside. Josuke just wanted to see it cause he saw this video

Giorno came with Jonathan, he also wanted to see the foods :)) he also read Harry Potter and was questioning if Diagon Alley exists.

Jolyne thought the Corfe Castle was here- theyre in fucking London, UK and Corfe Castle is in Wareham, UK.


Jonathan wanted to see a museum. London is mostly known for it-

Joseph, Josuke, and Jolyne wanted to see the Shrek's Adventure attraction.

Jotaro heard there were cool books in the shops, he was also intrigued into London's history, but didn't bother to read that-


Jonathan wanted to do something together with the family. So he convinced the now drained family to go on a Ferris Wheel called the London Eye or Millennium Wheel-

(ig this is just them on a Ferris wheel??)

Jonathan enjoyed the sight, but he had to strain Joseph from jumping off-

Joseph wanted to see outta the window.. there were no windows. So he had his whole upper body out of the contraction box thing and he was on the risk of falling of

I feel like Jotaro would be afraid of heights. So when theyre on the highest peak of the Ferris Wheel he tried to brush it off saying "I don't know why we're here, this is the most boring shit I've been in" but inside he's panicking-

Josuke thought it would be like a fast rollercoaster type ride, so he put his hands up even tho the wheel was going slow as fuck

Giorno didn't care about the ride, he was bored af ngl and he made little flowers on the floor cause why not

Jolyne.. was sleeping- Jonathan woke her up and she was real snappy about it, and went back to sleep.


Jonathan made sure they didn't forget ANYTHING. If one of them lost something, he'd either look everywhere in London or be sympathetic and be like "it's gone i apologize for the inconvenience"

Joseph threw in whatever. He doesn't really care about what he loses, and he also got many many bags of tea stuffed in his bag cause they were good af

Josuke took a long time getting all his bottles of gel. He also almost forgot about the games he packed-

Giorno took his time, he also didn't care about his hair gel cause he can easily take Josuke's :)

Jolyne didn't care as well, but for some reason she still has a snail

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