Pt 4 Stuff

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Part 4 related stuff :)) some headcanons, few theories and stuff

Wtf was the point of the Tonio's episode? Like I respect and love that man but seriously we would've had the same plot without him

Okuyasu's dad and Mikitaka would get along

Josuke goes up the stairs 2 at a time. He skips 2 stairs-

Koichi has a rock collection (did I say that already in another chapter? Whatever)

Yukako listens to Ariana Grande

Do you think Jotaro likes Koichi and finds him reliable cause he reminds him of Kakyoin..

A theory that Kosaku Kawajiri was the one who rescued Josuke when he had that fever

Kosaku was probably abusive. Why would Hayato even have cameras in his mom's room in the first place? He also found it weird that Kosaku (or uh Kira) was being affectionate to Shinobu.

Josuke is a dog person

Reimi can see Jonathan. She has dog talks with him and talk about how they both died young by hot young not sane and blonde people

If Rohan was British, he would be those people are really rude and snappy to Americans and it just looks like he's obsessed with them

Killer Queen is possessive. He will not allow any other pets in the Kira household

Koichi has the bladder of a squirrel and would always need to go the bathroom

Okuyasu forgets that Josuke doesn't like people insulting his hair

Okuyasu would be those people in Roblox with those food troll avatars

jjba headcanons lolWhere stories live. Discover now