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Yknow the title. Would these characters curse?

Jonathan had a swear jar for a reason. He never curses, he's a good man.

Joseph also doesn't curse. He'll curse when he's scared or hurt himself, or pretty much trash talking someone-

Jotaro curses on a daily basis. Even tho he's quiet most of the time, he'll curse when he talks. His favorite curse word is "b*tch"

Josuke never curses- he does sometimes tho, but it's rarely. He says "frick" and any of cleaner versions of "f*ck" I will also not forget the time in the English dub he said "willies" and "tongue hockey"

Giorno will only curse if he's angry, real hurt, or in a battle. He can curse in texting tho-

Speedwagon curses, but not around Jonathan. One, because he respects Jonathan's ears. Two, he doesn't wanna put a quarter in the swear jar. He heard and said a lot of curse words back when he was still in Ogre Street.

Caesar doesn't curse at all- he likes to keep his mouth clean. He would also stuff Joseph's mouth with bubbles if he cursed. He wants to keep his gentleman spirit to the ladies.

Kakyoin does not curse as well. He's like Josuke and says stuff like "frick" his vocabulary mostly consists of "idiot" (which apparently to some people is a curse word?? what)

Okuyasu curses sometimes. He'll do it to trash talk or gets real excited, or angry.

Bucciarati curses sometimes as well. He's mostly calm and content and will curse to call you a piece of shit if you're in a battle with him or he's just angry.

Hermès curses on a daily basis.

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