Incorrect quotes

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Jolyne: F.F do you ever pee from all that water you drink?
Foo: What's peeing?
Jolyne: It's human anatomy.

Jolyne: How the fück did you not find being in a rat's corpse abnormal?!
Jotaro: *pedophile orangutan, friend coming back to life, cherry man molesting cherry, rat stand, hand fetish man flashbacks*

Anasui: Yeah, she doesn't even love me! I even changed genders for her! Why?
Weather: Maybe it's your goddamn stripper look.
Anasui: What?!

Giorno: Abbacchio, it's 3 in the morning. Why are you standing on the table?
Abbacchio: I'm just proving my point that I'm the highest next to Bucciarati, and that he trusts me the most, Giovanna.
Giorno: ...
Abbacchio: ...
Giorno: Where's the spider?
Abbacchio: Over there..

(back to the head canon about how Joseph and Jolyne try to team on Jotaro in Uno and Joseph keeps fucking it up-)
Jolyne: Are you goddamn serious, Jijiji!
Joseph: Hey, it's not my fault! Blame the 4+ card!
Jolyne: Blame you old man! You don't even know what direction this game is going!
Joseph: I thought it was clockwise!
Jolyne: You twat, it's counter clockwise!
Jotaro: You two are both the twats, trying to team on me.

Jotaro: Oi, Avdol.
Avdol: What is it, Jotaro?
Jotaro: Tell your stand to stop laying eggs. It's goddamn annoying to avoid around the house.
Avdol: ...

Josuke: What the- isn't that Killer Queen? Is Kira near?
Killer Queen: holding up a sign that says "joosuke can i stay at ur house my user being weird"

N'Doul: Mariah, what are you doing here?
Mariah: Lord Dio told me to stay with you for back up if you ever die.
N'Doul: That's impossible. My stand is very powerful. But if Lord Dio says you stay, I'll accept it.
Mariah: Yeah.. I also don't wanna hang around that Hol Horse guy, he's weird.

(desert talks 😫😫)

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