Joestar Vacation

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I like the thought of the Joestar family built into a chaotic family. So why not, what if they went on vacation?

They'll be going to England :)))
(I think this'll be a longer chapter than the others)

Jonathan obviously prepared everything. He made sure everyone had their stuff. He also stuffed a computer in his suitcase. He's a meat truck and would carry the suitcases but would be hesitant about it since he usually had people do it for him.

Joseph didn't check what else he didn't have. He just put whatever clothes there were, as well as some headphones, and those damn clacker balls cause why not. He'll also be in the car going to the airport and then go "OH GOD I FORGOT SOMETHING"

Jotaro also put whatever. He also made sure to pack 3 hats, as well has coats even tho it's summer. He'd check all his things. He got his influence from Holly and Jonathan, so he neatly folded his stuff. He also put in some dolphin and marine book

Josuke would be freaking out- he's skeptical he forgot something and makes sure he got it all. He's also extra about it and brings his video games. Oh yeah, he also brought MANY MANY MANY MANYYYY bottles of gel, shampoo, dry shampoo, etc

Giorno also brought MANY bottles of gel and shampoo. He would forget some stuff but then brush it off saying "ig I'll just steal it from someone" Giorno also brought a frog plush :))

Jolyne put whatever- she was genuinely excited and just threw almost anything. Hair bands, bras, a snail (still doesn't know why she had a snail in her room) a pic of the family, and much more irrelevant stuff plus some clothes ofc

Dio never agreed to this. He was planning on crashing on the house when they were all gone- his wish was granted

So they're all at the airport, getting ready to board the plane later. What are they doing in the meantime?

Jonathan is just lost- he can't find the desk to help see what time they're taking off so he has to bring Jotaro along

Joseph was asleep on the drive here, so he knocked out when they reached those seats when you're waiting for your plane-

Jotaro didn't wanna be with these idiots so he came along with Jonathan to help his lost mind

Josuke found some food in the airport, so he stayed there mostly. But after the food he knocked out like his father lmao

Giorno was already taking stuff outta his luggage. He was also really skeptical being out in the open since he's now the boss of Passione but that quickly went over his head

Jolyne got pulled over when they found some other stuff in her luggage. They questioned her about the snail..

Ah yes, so they're finally boarding the plane and heading to England. What shall they do?

The seats are 3 each and let's say the family are behind and front of each other. First aisle will be Jonathan, Jolyne, and Giorno, and the second is Josuke, Jotaro, and Joseph
Jonathan put in some headphones during the ride. He didn't wanna hear the chaotic mess that's happening with his family-

Joseph was restrained in his seat. He was really excited as well as bashing the pilot's skill of flying saying that Joseph himself can drive better (we all know that's wrong, he can fucking crash it)

Jotaro was in the middle of this chaotic mess of father and son. He had to deal with all this bs and couldn't even listen to music- he ended up coping with this by eating the sad airplane food. He was also keeping his eye on Joseph so he doesn't go to the controls and crash the whole damn thing

Josuke was ranting on his favorite video game, as well as some fighting with Joseph. He also had set up a whole damn barber shop- mf had to fix his hair NOW

Giorno was busy impressing his father with his powers. He also gets flashbacks the last time he was on a plane (the Notorious B.I.G episode) so he watched for that.

Jolyne was working with Giorno to make a big ass project with string plus some flowers ig- she was also listening to music as well, a real fruity song

Okay, this'll be when they arrive at England and stay a little motel ig
(arriving at night)

Jonathan is actually pretty excited. He slept thru the whole flight while listening to music, so he's feeling content. He called sleeping on the couch so that the others can have a nice sleep on the big bed :))

Joseph knocked out again when he reached the motel- he fucking fell on the floor and started snoring

Jotaro was alright, he decided to make some instant noodles when they reached the motel. He also insisted of carrying the bags, cause why not.

Josuke wanted to pee- really bad. He also stayed up till 2 cause he wanted to shower and as well preparing all his bottles of gel in the bathroom

Giorno was stuck in the bathroom with Josuke who was also putting bottles of gel. He also wanted to decorate the motel with flowers

Jolyne also fell asleep- she knocked out on the couch and pretty much rejecting Jonathan's idea to sleep there

Part 2 will be up in the next chapter :))

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