actual jjba household

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I apologize for the last chapter- I'll do any actual JoBro household

Baron and Caesar will be taking care of the house. They won't put up with the other JoBro's shit

Kakyoin would prepare deserts. Always cherry flavored tho, or a cherry on top

Baron likes to make spicy foods and Okuyasu will always ask if Baron made this food. He hates spicy foods-

Okuyasu keeps erasing the carpet and windows-

Mista would play loud ass music in the house

Kakyoin and Okuyasu sob together how their friend's moms are so hot

Caesar and Kakyoin fight over corsets. There is no possible way Kakyoin's torso is like that, and Caesar would un-ironically wear them cause why not

Since Mista's here that means there's chaotic little bullets running around. Okuyasu and Number 3 would really be possessive over the food

Caesar takes care of Number 5 :))

Anasui's here too, and he has a Jolyne shrine in the middle of the living room...

Caesar is the one who cleans everything

Baron wants to teach everyone hamon but everyone ignores him cause everyone has OP stands or just stands in general that are better than his hamon (no hate to hamon) Except Caesar, he's eager to learn

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