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JONATHAN SPOILS YOU. He loves you a lot and can also be protective <3
I think he would only let you use your electronics during the weekends, cause he's really passionate about learning. He also takes you out for ice cream when you get a good grade

Joseph would definitely be chill. He likes to joke around with you, and would be the favorite parent. He also takes too many photos of you as a baby, and embarrassed you in front of your friends. Real protective as well. He gave a threatening lecture to Sadao when Holly said he was dating him lmao

Jotaro.. kinda left you- I'm sorry but he'd still be busy with work. He'd visit you time to time, making sure you're alright. But if your name is Jolyne, I'm sorry but there's no hope for you. He has awkward silences and doesn't care what you do. He's chill but definitely protective over boyfriends and girlfriends. Also weakly encourages you to talk to people. Extrovert or introvert, he doesn't care-

Josuke is a cool dad. He's got the Joseph genes, and definitely kept baby photos. He also showed you his old video games. He's very excited if you get a boyfriend/girlfriend and only says a few words to your lover like "take care of them!" "welcome to the family!"
He also brings Okuyasu a lot and you and him and best buds.

Giorno is real protective. He doesn't want to end up like his parents, who of course SUCK. You can't go out in the night cause of the dangers of traitors of Passione. He's very strict, but also likes to entertain you. He likes decorating your room and the house as well as making the best foods. He also has the same rule as Jonathan, no electronics during the school days.

Dio fucking left you in the trash can as a baby. He puts you on a leash.

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