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pretty much jjba character's eating manners and what would happen if you were to eat in their presence with them-

Jonathan is sadly a bad eater. He's just genuinely excited to eat and barely gets a napkin. But, he'll wash his dishes tho :)

Joseph is so chaotic with it. At first he was real picky but when he tried it he finished the whole meal in 30 seconds. He also has a lot of dirt on his shirt

Jotaro eats quietly. He'll also criticize the cooking which he always does cause he thinks his mother's cooking is the best of the best. Also will never wash the dishes.

Josuke is also excited to eat, so he hurries a lot. There's a lot of choking as well-

Giorno eats like he's so exquisite and fancy. He's got the whole napkin on his lap, utensils all prepared nicely. He also burps sometimes but he always apologizes. He's got the Dio genes in eating

Baron is really strict about eating. He'll point out all your cons about the way you're eating and always brings so many damn napkins to the table

Caesar has the same genes as his grandfather, minus the napkin part. He'll always suggest of him washing the dishes and other stuff, and uses all the utensils while eating.

Kakyoin is always trying new stuff. He heard some people eat with their hands and he thought that was cool. He'll also bring new facts about food to the table to tell

Okuyasu can eat properly but he definitely moans cause the food is so delicious. He'll praise the food cause it's amazing, and also share if he wants to (he rarely shares)

Bucciarati will bring a napkin to everything and wipes. He'll also wipe your mouth-

Dio would eat properly with manners which is canon. But that was part 1, also when he was like 12. When he became a vampire he didn't care anymore and had fucking blood stains everywhere and had a lot of leftovers on the ground

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