random stuff (pt 100)

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so i would make some sort of topic, but i think my brains all jumbled out from the crazy shit that's been happening since i stopped writing in this (I was considering modern AU, so some of the hcs here will be that 👍👍)

gyro loves katy perry. his favorite is definitely california girls, even tho he's from italy ☠️☠️ he wishes to eat the cotton candy clouds in the music video

Fugo would obviously be into classical music but I think he would enjoy taking recommendations from his friends (except narancia he thinks his music taste is SHIT)

scratch that he'd insult everyone's music taste (except giorno cause he also likes classical)

Abbacchio probably gave him his headphones one time and put on his playlist and fugo listened in horror

Narancia's instrument knowledge only expands to drums and a harmonica. other than that he's absolute shit
it's pretty obvious that he drums and hops his head alot to the music, he'd be an actual god at it
if he was given actual drums, he'd go crazy

the harmonica was actually a gift from mista. narancia saw mista use it, he let narancia use it, and if narancia stole it from it
so technically.. it wasn't a gift but mista didn't really care

Josuk8 loves dogs sm. His whole devotion came from Yasuho, who gave him his name bc it was her dog's name

he absolutely adores them, and dogs adore him too

whenever Josuk8 ever walks around in town, he always stands there stunned in awe cause he saw the most adorable little puppy ever

yasuho and Josuk8 share the love of dogs, idc my mind will never be changed

Joshu absolutely hates dogs tho. When he was little he would go to Yasuhos house and her dog would immediately bite him

probably clutches his weave too whenever he sees a dog

he's terrified of chihuahuas. he was convinced that it was simply a bad impression with Yasuhos, and decided to give it a try when he saw a chihuahua in the park

it didn't work out well.

Jotaro likes keeping things in his hat. he has pockets ofc, but he feels like it's safer when things are in his hat
his hat is probably glued on jesus christ

he thinks it's a great tactic, except nobody else thinks it is.

he would definitely use it to his advantage to surprise little jolyne tho

imagine if jotaro comes in the house and 6 y/o jolyne is there, and he tells her he has a magic trick

he probably used star platinum to remove his hat and show a cute plushie for jolyne to have

Jolyne used to adore it, she misses it tbh

i think that's all i have 😭😭 feels nice to like let these silly little headcanons onto here

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