Characters I Never Do

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I'm taking this chance to give hc's to characters I rarely do

While Kars and AC/DC were taking care of Santana and Wamuu, AC/DC would bawl being under the pressure of taking care of children- like this one time Santana would be crying and then would immediately stop when he hears AC/DC crying as well

Koichi drives an electric car

Weather Report can do the 4 leaf clover tongue or some shit

Gwess took a nature class before

Will A. Zeppeli is fascinated by astrology, but pretends to hate it

Enyaba would be the kind of mother to show random people her son's baby photos

Mikitaka's favorite color is "clear"

Abbacchio dressed up as Batman once

Lisa Lisa adores roses. George gave her one when they went on a date and she loved it

Formaggio rlly likes corn for some odd reason

Hermès is a cat person.

Pucci is also into oldies. He introduced Dio to 80s classics while Dio gave him classical stuff from the 1800s

Anasui loves Mariah Carey

Ghiaccio gets pissed cause Melone pours the milk first then cereal

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