CHAPTER 12: Confession of Jealousy.

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The next day, Jennie is in the garden at the back of their school. The brunette girl deeply sighed as she remembered what happened yesterday at the canteen. Especially, when Kai acting rude on her for the first time. She can't believe Kai can do that to her. She slowly close her eyes and take a deep breath.

When the brunette girl finally become calmed, a small curve form into her face as she smile while admiring the beauty of the place. She can hear the chirping of many birds. She can feel the wind that touches her skin. And the smell of the flowers can refresh her mind in the morning. For her, garden is the best place as it is the only place where she can get relief from stresses and headaches in life. But today's reason was caused by the two (referring to Lisa and Kai).

Without her knowing, Kai was sitting in a tree while his back was rested on it and holding an unlit cigarette near at the school wall where he always smoke. When he glanced at the wall, she remembered the first day he saw Jennie. That's the first time his heart beats so fast and felt everything surrounds him goes in slow motion. "Fuck that love at first sight", the boy whispered to himself and grinned.

When he looked away at the wall, Kai turns his gaze at the garden and notice that there is a girl sitting on the bench. "Is it Jennie?", he mumbled. He blinks twice to make sure that he's not imagining but the truth is not. The boy felt bad to what he did to the brunette girl yesterday. Actually, this early in the morning when Kai was heading at the school, he passed by at the convenient store and bought a band aid with a strawberry designed on it for Jennie. He stood up and keep his cigarette in his pocket. The boy walk towards to the girl that made the brunette girl startled.

"Gosh! scared me. W~why are you here?!", as the brunette girl speak softly and gets surprised to the boy's appearance. Kai just bend his knee and knelt on the ground. "Yah, what are you doing?", Jennie asked confusingly. But Kai didn't answered and took the girl's knee and saw a little scratched on it. Kai immediately took the band aid into his pocket and put it on the brunnette girl's wound. "Sorry about yesterday". Finally, Kai uttered a words. As he taking care of the wound, Kai speak again. "I'm trying here to straighten out a misunderstanding". He looks at Jennie with a sincere eyes and slowly smiled to her. "Am I forgiven now? I will not stand up here if you didn't accepted my apology", he added. Because of her kindness, Jennie already accepted his apology. "But make sure not to do it again, okay? And please try to avoid getting trouble with Lisa", she said and the boy nodded to it. Kai gave the brunnette girl a wide smile and stood up.

"I think she already forgiven that bastard. That was fast". Bitterly smiled was showed up to the tall girl's face as she saw the two from afar. She clenched her fist to the awful view and hurriedly threw the band aid on the trash bin near to her. While the strawberry milk she's been holding was given to the girl who just passed by in front of her. "T~thank you", the girl surprised with the sudden action of the tall girl and then smile softly to her. But Lisa just smile a little to the girl. Then, she turned her back and walked away.

Little did Jennie know, Lisa has been looking for her for a while to surprise and give her favorite strawberry milk and a band aid. The tall girl had searched everywhere and even asked everyone she saw on her way just to find Jennie. As she walks, she think and think where the girl is until she remembered Jennie told her that the garden is the brunette girl's favorite spot here at the school. So she hurriedly ran to the place but Lisa didn't expect Jennie is with Kai. Their smiling like there's nothing happened yesterday. Lisa's eyes becomes dark and cold as she stares to them. And a sudden pain hurled into her chest.

It's lunch time and their class ended. Lisa stood up and looked to Jisoo. "Unnie, you guys go to the canteen first. I'm just going to the restroom", Lisa said coldly and walked away from them. She made it an excuse to avoid Jennie.

The three were already at the canteen and ordered their meal. A few minutes, Lisa came and ordered also. She went to the place where the three seated.

"Unnie, will you move and go there", Lisa commanded to the oldest while pointing her index finger to the space besides Jennie. They all know that Lisa always sit next to Jennie and she used to it that's why she became confused.

As Lisa said that, Jennie glance to the tall girl and arched her eyebrows. But she saw Lisa was not looking at her and notice the coldness of the tall girl towards her.

"But-...", Jisoo didn't finished talking when Lisa interrupted her. "I said will you?!", Lisa glared to Jisoo that made the girl scared. So she quickly went besides Jennie and continued on eating. Rosie look at Jennie with the 'What's wrong?' face. But Jennie just shrugged her shoulder and shows confusion in her face on the way Lisa acted right now. The girls already done eating and Lisa still kept herself silent.

The bell rang, signed that the school hours ended up. All students went home. Jisoo and Rosie bid their goodbyes to Jennie and Lisa. Jennie wave her hands and smiled to the two and Lisa just looked at them while walking outside the school.

"Let's go home", Jennie simply said to Lisa. She didn't feel to study at the library with this kind of situation between them.

"You don't want to go at the library? Okay then let's go", Lisa said coldly at the brunnette girl and began to walk at the place where her bike parked. Jennie frown while following her. Both were riding in the bike and heading their way home. No talks and no attentions given to each other until they arrived at their house.

For the whole day of Lisa being cold at her without knowing the reason behind it makes Jennie annoyed that's why she can't take it anymore and confronted Lisa. She goes in front of Lisa but the tall girl just looked straight at the band aid on her knee up to the brunnette girl's face. Jennie notice it and stepped back that made her realize the reason why Lisa acting cold to her. She sigh deeply and then asks Lisa.

"You saw us, right?", Jennie asked but Lisa looked away from her and stay being silent. "Answer me, Lisa", she added.

"You know what Jennie, I don't understand you", Lisa speaks softly but the coldness in her eyes was still there. She's about to go inside her house when Jennie talks again.

"You're the one and your childish act, I don't really understand here! Kai was just apologizing to me at that time you saw us in the garden. What's wrong with that?!", Jennie lose her patience to Lisa and raised her voice to the the tall girl. Lisa face her again and walk closer to her. The space between them was an inches away to each other that made the brunnette girl shocked.

"What did you just say?! Childish act?! No, You're just being dense not to notice!", Lisa already lose her temper on what Jennie said. Her eyes widen and glared to Jennie while holding the brunnette girl's shoulder.

"Notice what?!", Jennie manage to breathe coz of the tense she feels right now and stepped back to make a distance to Lisa.

"I told you to stay away from him. I told you not to look at him. I told you not to smile at him. I hate it. I'm fucking hate it Jennie! Because I'm fucking jealous! Why don't you get it!", Lisa shouted as her lungs out of her body. She felt her face heated that's why she let go off her hands to Jennie.

Finally, Lisa said all the feelings inside her. Without looking at Jennie's face, she quickly turned back her body and left the girl standing there and go inside her house.

The brunnette girl, become speechless about it. She asked Lisa before if she's jealous to Kai but Lisa didn't answered it. She didn't expected that she would heard the answer today. That Lisa will finally admit it.

When she heard it, a wide smiled curve on her lips and she held onto her chest to felt her heart beats so fast. "Yah, Lisa you're already started giving me a headache", Jennie whispered to herself and went also inside their house.


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