CHAPTER 17: Preparation For The Upcoming Event.

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It's been three days since Jennie and all the officers were busy planning for the upcoming school festival. As a president of the class and for being an overall president of their school, Jennie always give her best to fulfill her responsibilities that's why she make sure things will gonna be fine as she expected to be.

Today, all the officers of the Supreme Government will have their final meeting to discuss about the said upcoming event.

Jennie's POV

"Since school festival is once in a year and this is the last year for some of us including me as being a high school students, we should organize and prepare this with a full package of entertainment and an encouraging activities, delicious food items and programmes. It must have been successful. So guys, what do you want to suggest?", I asked my co-officers and began to listen to all their opinions.

"How about setting up a boots? Like photo boot, marriage boot and dedication letter boot." Rosie said excitedly to us.

"Dedication letter boot? It's new to my ears. But I think, it's sounds fun.", Irene said and gigled.

"You're right Irene! This kind of boot is really really fun and exciting! You are free to dedicate a message to someone. Anything you wanted to say and the sender will choose if he/she would've tell their real names or they will not tell or mention their names on the letter but they can leave their nicknames on it as a clue." Rosie giggle as she explained about it. She was very happy when all of us here approved her boot camp ideas.

Then, the young girl student raise her right hand that caught my attention. I notice it that's why I allowed the young girl to speak.

"As a first year representative, I want to suggests a food porn for all the students- From freshmans to seniors. Since, all the students here loves sweets. We are going to make a survey on what sweet delicacies they wanted to represent. It should be four food porn stands only." Ella said and smile to everyone. Ella Gross is the first year representative of the Supreme Government, a 12-year-old girl and one of the top students in freshman year.

"That's a nice idea Ella and I want you to take care of it. By tomorrow, you will report it to me A.S.A.P. Okay?", I give her a smile and the young girl nodded then smiled back as a response.

"What about program? Do you guys prefer dancing or singing competition?", I asked.

"Hmmm..last year was dancing so this year will gonna be a singing competition!", Irene said and we agreed to it.

"I'm glad that everyone here agrees according to our plan. So now, I'm going to assign each of you on what task you're going to do before and during our school festival. Rosie you'll be definitely assigned to your own idea and by the way, you're with our Fourth Representative, Lee Hyeri (a jolly person and a student from Section B). It's three boots so you just only need to ask one from our classmates who are willing to participate. For you little girl, as I said earlier you are assigned on the food porn and you'll be accompanied by four students. You need to pick only one student by year. From freshman, sophomore, junior and senior to be their representative. And lastly, Irene...Vice President, you take care of the singing competition. Huh?! If you want some help, you can asked for someone if you want. Guys, please don't ever forget to informed me the list of the students that will participate on us so I can make and send a letter of approval to their professors. For the remaining officers, Kim Taehyung (a handsome and smart guy that likes to sing) and Min Yoongi (he's nice but a naughty guy that likes to rap), as the Peace Officers you two already know your task that's why there's no need for me to explained it. Just call me if you guys have concerns or need some help." I ordered and all the members of the Supreme Government obeys me.

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