CHAPTER 25: First Dance.

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The school festival was finally over. After its celebration, all students and teachers went home already.

Before leaving their school, Jisoo invited Lisa and Jennie to join them to celebrate this special day for Jisoo and Rosé as being official. "Yah! 7PM at the Imperium Club! My treat." The two girls accepted it. After the short conversation, the four girls parted ways and went home.

"Hop in!", said Lisa to Jennie and they ride on the bike until they reached their home.

"See you later, Lili", Jennie said and bid her goodbye to Lisa before entering the gate of their house.

"See you", Lisa said smilingly.

(6:00 PM in the evening)

Jennie's POV

"Good Evening, Auntie."

OhmyGod! It's Lili. She's already here. Jennie Kim, you need to hurry.

"Jennie, Princess! Lisa is here", as I heard my mother talking outside my room.

"Okay, Mom! I'll be there. Just give me a minute!"

It's been an hour since I've started facing this mirror infront of me and still can't decide on what clothes should I wear tonight. Should I choose this red fitted dress or this vintage Chanel cropped-top and baggy black trouser? Since we are going to the club, I will choose this Chanel cropped-top instead. Putting lipstick and a little bit of foundation in my beautiful face is enough and finally, I'm done.

As I go outside my room, my Lili hurriedly stood up on the couch when she saw me coming.

"H~Hi!", she said while waving her right hand.

"Is my daughter beautiful?", my dad asked. But Lisa did not response to my dad's question and still staring at me. My dad looked at her and chuckle when he saw Lisa's reaction. "I think I've already know your answer, Lisa"

"Y~yes, Uncle?! What are you asking again? I'm sorry I didn't heard it clearly." Lisa shyly said while scratching the temple of her head.

"What are you talking about? I'm not talking here". My dad acting seriously  but deep inside of him, I know he's laughing so hard right now.

"Oww! My bad. I thought—."

I didn't let her finish speaking and I pulled her so we could leave now. "Yah! Nini, I'm not done talking with Uncle," she complained.

"We need to go. Jisoo and Rosie are waiting for us." I said to her.

"Uncle, your daughter is the most beautiful person I've ever know! And no one could ever beat her with that!", as she shouted to my father in able to heard that. She's about to speak again but I quickly covered her mouth with my hand to stop her.

"Mom! Dad! We have to go! Bye!

"Take care, girls!" My mom said.

"Yah! Lisa, take good care of my precious daughter." my dad said.

"Yesgcjdndkd Unclehdjfkdbm", she responded and then she glared her eyes on me.

We are now here outside of our house. She get off my hand on her mouth. "Yah! Why did you do that?! Your hand is salty!" she whined.

"Yah! You're so mean!", I said and frown to her.

"Here. Wear this". She removed her jacket and gave it to me.

"Why? Should I wear that?", I asked confusedly.

"Wear this or I will beat your damn stomach?!", she said seriously. Ow, I've forgot I wear cropped top. "Besides, It's cold outside", she added. I automatically smiled on her way of being concerned with me and wear her jacket immediately.

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