CHAPTER 19: Missing You.

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Jennie's POV

I woke up as soon as I heard the alarm of my clock. I'm still sleepy and too lazy to get up in my bed. I rubbed my eyes and a short yawn escaped from my mouth. I feel so tired and exhausted. Who doesn't feel this way when you're studying and doing your responsibilities being the president of your school at the same time? I sighed heavily for a moment. Then suddenly, I heard a knock on my door.

"Princess, this is your dad. You should wake up now. Lisa is already here". W~what?! Dad mentioned my Lili's name?! As I heard my dad's voice and the fact that Lili is really in our house, I quickly stood up, get my robe and go straight to the shower room. Gosh! Why she's here? It's too early! She should just stay in her house and wait for me to come out.

I'm done taking a bath. I already wear my uniform. I also put on a little foundation and lipstick on my face. I fixed my hair and put a cute bear designed clip in the left side of my hair. Then, I get my bag. I looked at the mirror to do a short glimpse to myself. I chuckled in amazement at myself coz I can't believe that I've finished it all within 30 minutes. Usually, I took an hour just by getting ready only with myself and breakfast is not yet included there.

I'm about to open the door but I held up when I found myself bothered on my own looks. I think I should call mom for a seconds to asked her if I'm looking good today. I slightly opened the door and I get nervous when I saw Lisa sitting on the couch. She's talking to my father. I kept my eyes searched for mom. Thankfully, our eyes met so I warned her to be quiet and I immediately asked her to come inside my room.

"Mom! Do I look good today?", I asked my mother as I slowly turned around to let her checked my appearance. My mom smiled suddenly.

"What is this all about? I mean, this is the first time you called me just to checked if your looked nice or what?" My mother chuckles at me.

"Mom, I'm not joking around. Just answer me!", I said worriedly.

"Okay. Okay. Don't worry. You looked gorgeous as always". Then, she smiled again and pause for a while. My mother held my hands and said "My princess is not a baby anymore". She let out a sighed on her mouth.

"Mom, I'm still your baby!" I giggled and hug her tight. She hugged me back. And then, she let go of my embraced and face me.

"Princess, I didn't cook breakfast today", my mother said.

"But why?! What should–", My mom put her index finger in my mouth to stop me from talking.

"Let me finished first. I didn't cook because Lisa asked for it. She said you two will eat outside. So you better hurry up and show yourself to her already. She's waiting for you".

My mom opened the door and lead me the way out. As the door opened, I saw Lisa was still sitting on the couch and she and my dad, turned their gaze at me. Lisa quickly stood up from her seat. She gave me a wide smile and said "Good morning, Nini". I walked towards her and smiled back. "Good morning. Let's go.", I said to her. We bid our goodbyes to my parents and went outside the house. I noticed Lisa become silent and walked first. She didn't even looked at me until she hops in her bike. I followed her and hops also on the backseat.

While we're riding on her bike, I asked her, "Are you alright? What's the sudden changed of mood? As I remember you looked so bright a while ago. And now, you're not even looking at me". She pulled the brake of her bike that cause my body slammed on her back.

"I said Good Morning "NINI". NINI good morning. NINI NINI NINI!". She yelled as it is her only way to emphasize my nickname. Some students caught their attention while walking on the street. I laughed at her when I already know why she's acting like this.

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