We're Still Faking, Right?

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Finn and I were waiting in the living room in silence. Our trip to Ohio was a nice break from reality and it honestly felt like we were in a little bubble. But the fantasy had just popped. We're breaking in the new year still pretending and it's getting harder and harder to fake it with moments like these. Especially since I finally know for sure that he reciprocates feelings that neither of us have admitted out loud to each other for obvious reasons. It just feels like this stupid plan is getting messier and messier. He was so close to cracking earlier and I almost let him complicate it all. Truth be told, I'm ready to do the same.

"I'm not seeing you two drinking,"

Santana practically sang while holding two champagne glasses.

"So this will not do, it's a party, start acting like it" she warned

We both looked at each other, shrugged, and drank it. And as the night progressed we both managed to keep drinking. I think our conversation when we came back home might be the reason.

Earlier that day
"So have you spoken to olive since the holidays"

Rachel questioned me,

"Not really, not that it really bothers me" I jumble out

She looked at me with a bit of shock, and what looked like relief. I wish I could just man up and break up with olive and tell Rachel how I feel. But that'll only complicate just about everything and we're in too deep with this silly scheme. Sometimes I wish I had never agreed to be with Olive but then again, I never would've met Rachel if I hadn't.

"Well that sort of complicates the plan, I mean she is the whole reason for all of this" Rachel nervously laughs

"Well yeah but she doesn't have to be anymore"

As soon as I said it I immediately regret it. Why can't I just be smart and not ruin this one good thing I got going, why just why do I do this to myself?

"What?" Rachel asked confused and panicked, somehow all at once

"Uh" I chuckle out in horror

Thankfully were saved by the bell and Santana and Sam let us in so we can start getting ready for the party. I quickly make my way to my room so that we don't have that conversation.

Almost everyone had arrived ready to party all night. And we were all happily obliging. Finn had managed to drink more than half a bottle of whiskey with Blaine and Sam. Whereas Mercedes, Santana and I had practically gulped down this bottle of vodka.

Now that Finn and I were both pretty drunk we had managed to find our way back to each other like magnets. Some part of us knew we had to act, but the big repressed feelings in us managed to jump out.

"Your face is awesome" Finn smiled at me

I grinned up at him in response,

"You are not ugly either, in fact YoU aRE very hot" I whispered

Puck and Kurt were giggling and making fun of us and everyone else was off in their own world.

"OooooOo they're gonna kisssss" Kurt slurred as puck made kissy faces

I smiled and nodded

"YeaH" Finn smiled

We both sloppily kissed each other and wouldn't let go.

"WAIT" some girl named sugar yelled "it's not midnight yet!!!" She pointed

"Ooo breaking rules" Santana cackled with delight 

This party was in full swing with everyone either drunk crying or dancing or laughing or stripping. Looking at you Brittany. When Finn and I pulled apart from one of our various kisses, we just smiled and giggled and continued to drink. I think the kissing sobered us up but not enough to make us stop with the PDA. Because everyone was dancing and we somehow found ourselves touching each other and smiling everywhere we moved to. From the dance floor to the kitchen and now to the balcony. As we stood out here in the cold we continued drinking and sharing shots,

"New York is so prettyy" I said grinning in admiration

"You're pretty" Finn smiled at me

I quickly wrapped my arms around him and kissed him again. I just couldn't stop. We made our way inside again and continued making out. I finally remembered how cool my name is.

"Ya kNow MY siGnAtuRe is ART!" I exclaimed pulling apart

Finn leaned closely as I pulled away drunkenly exclaiming how nice my autographs are going to be. He wanted to continue kissing and drunkenly whispered, "I want that mine next to wedding paper stuff"

I think we both realized where this was going because somehow our kissing intensified even more, and we slowly made our way back to my room. Everything felt more needy and hot. I closed my door and locked it and jumped on top of him. He quickly grabbed me and took off my clothes. I did the same while continuing our passionate kisses.

From the distance we can hear the commotion from the parties happening outside and even five feet away, in our own apartment. We briefly pulled apart and stared at each other while half naked for a brief moment. But then as if we both decided in the moment, we began passionately kissing again as if not continuing to do so would hurt our heart and souls,


"We shouldn't do this" Rachel barely mumbled out between kisses and touches


"I know, but just one night" Finn sweetly whispered, looking deeply into her eyes


"Just one night" Rachel fervently agreed


"You taste so good rach," Finn breathed heavy, diving back into their positions


"Oh Finn!" Rachel cried out


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